Finite-Choice Logic Programming, by Chris Martens, Robert J. Simmons, and Michael Arntzenius. “We propose a new formalism, finite-choice logic programming, that uses choice, not negation, to admit multiple solutions. Finite-choice logic programming contains all the expressive power of the stable model semantics, gives meaning to a new and useful class of programs, and enjoys a least-fixed-point interpretation over a novel domain.”
Optimality of Gerver’s Sofa, by Jineon Baek.
On “Safe” C++, by Isabella Muerte. What a ride.
Way too many ways to wait on a child process with a timeout, by Philippe Gaultier.
Some surprising code execution sources in bash
Chawan, a web browser for your terminal. Looks very decent already!
ad, an adaptable text editor in the spirit of Acme., home to information about typesetting machines.
Resurrection, the Computer Conservation Society’s Journal.
Mathematische Schülerbücherei der DDR, 138 Bücher neu geTeXt, darunter “Köpfchen, Köpfchen”.
The December Adventure is low key. The goal is to write a little bit of code every day in December.