Discovering novel algorithms with AlphaTensor, doing matrix multiplications with fewer operations.
Staged Compilation with Two-Level Type Theory (PDF), by András Kovács at ICFP 2022.
Ox64 is a RISC-V based Single Board Computer powered by Bouffalo Lab BL808 C906 64-Bit RISC-V CPU, 32-Bit CPU, embedded 64MB PSRAM memory and build-on 3 radio RF (Wifi, BT, Zigbee). To appear in November.
Get root on macOS 12.3.1: proof-of-concepts for Linus Henze’s CoreTrust and DriverKit bugs (CVE-2022-26766, CVE-2022-26763), “For years, macOS allowed any root certicate when checking code signatures, making code signing completely useless.”
Selected Papers of Dana S. Scott
Pan Galactic Division, by Richard Evan Schwartz. “Let A and B be sets. Suppose there is an injective map from A x {0,…,n-1} into B x {0,…,n-1}. Then there is an injection from A into B.”
On proof and progress in mathematics (1994), by William P. Thurston.