Reverse-engineering the Yamaha DX7 synthesizer’s sound chip from die photos, and Yamaha DX7 synthesizer’s clever exponential circuit, by Ken Shirriff.
The Principia Rewrite project rewrites Principia Mathematica in Coq.
RATFOR: Rational Fortran, brought back to life by Arnold Robbins.
The utilization of 44/8: the reason I mapped IPv4 & IPv6, by Antonios A. Chariton.
Loop fission, by Richard Startin. When two separate loops are faster than one.
CichoĊ’s diagram is a table of 10 infinite cardinal numbers related to the set theory of the reals displaying the provable relations between these cardinal characteristics of the continuum.
The Analog Thing is a high-quality, low-cost, open-source, and not-for-profit cutting-edge analog computer.
Maze Generation In Thirteen Bytes (2012). Ten bytes actually.
Trackers: The Sound of 16-Bit (YouTube).