Pi computed to 62,831,853,071,750 digits at Fachhochschule Graubünden.
Injection Attacks Reloaded: Tunnelling Malicious Payloads over DNS, by Philipp Jeitner and Haya Shulman.
Skateboard Tricks and Topological Flips, by Justus Carlisle, Kyle Hammer, Robert Hingtgen, and Gabriel Martins. “We study the motion of skateboard flip tricks by modeling them as continuous curves in the group SO(3) of special orthogonal matrices. We show that up to continuous deformation there are only four flip tricks.”
RBAC like it was meant to be, by Avery Pennarun. “It’s hard to know precisely what people are referring to when they talk about mandatory access control, other than the one constant: it is predictably annoying to use.”
Mafs provides React components for math visualization.
Learning APL, free book by Stefan Kruger.
Rappel is a pretty janky assembly REPL.
Box64 lets you run x86_64 Linux programs (such as games) on non-x86_64 Linux systems, like ARM.