The egg project uses e-graphs to provide a new way to build program optimizers and synthesizers.
Fair-by-design matching, by David GarcĂa-Soriano and Francesco Bonchi. “Although many optimal solutions may exist to a given [bipartite] matching problem, when the elements that shall or not be included in a solution correspond to individuals, it becomes of paramount importance that the solution be selected fairly.” Provides alternatives to the Gale-Shapley algorithm.
Designing a RISC-V CPU, Part 1: Learning hardware design as a software engineer, by Hannah McLaughlin.
Fermat’s Last Margin, a tool for annotating research papers and sharing those annotations.
Schemepunk, a kitchen-sink utility library for several R7RS Scheme dialects.
Finding Mona Lisa in the Game of Life, by Atul Vinayak.
When The Prison Banned Board Games, We Played Chess In Our Minds
Routing the technical interview, by Lars Hupel.