Speculative Dereferencing of Registers: Reviving Foreshadow, by Martin Schwarzl, Thomas Schuster, Michael Schwarz, and Daniel Gruss. More side channels!
The Kissat SAT solver is a condensed and improved reimplementation of CaDiCaL in C. By Armin Biere and team. Paper.
Reverse-engineering the adder inside the Intel 8086, and Reverse-engineering the Intel 8086’s instruction register, by Ken Shirriff.
Interlisp-D Medley is getting a revival!
ugrep, a new ultra fast grep with interactive query UI and archive search.
Mumford’s treasure map, explained by Lieven Le Bruyn.
macintosh.js, a virtual Apple Macintosh with System 8, running in Electron.
There are 48 regular polyhedra (YouTube). Recommended.