HOPL 4 papers, all open access. 1480 pages of programming language history!
SGAxe, “We then proceed to show an extraction of SGX private attestation keys from within SGX’s quoting enclave, as compiled and signed by Intel.”
CrossTalk, “[W]e present a new transient execution vulnerability, which Intel refers to as “Special Register Buffer Data Sampling” or SRBDS (CVE-2020-0543), enabling attacker-controlled code executing on one CPU core to leak sensitive data from victim software executing on a different core.”
The Rise and Fall of Commercial Smalltalk, by Allen Wirfs-Brock.
KataGo is one of the strongest open source Go bots available online, and on most common hardware should be moderately stronger than Leela Zero in most positions if tuned for performance.
Project:M36 implements a relational algebra engine as inspired by the writings of Chris Date.
Building a DNS server in Rust, by Emil Hernvall.