CacheOut, “Leaking Data on Intel CPUs via Cache Evictions”.
Grothendieck’s EGA, now (at least EGA 1 completely) available in English as PDF and browsable online.
Topos Theory, a course by John Baez.
The worst of time64 breakage, a new EWONTFIX post by Rich Felker.
April, Array Programming Re-Imagined in Lisp.
ZZ (drunk octopus) is a modern formally provable dialect of C, inspired by Rust.
W is a stack-based esolang with condensability as well as consistency and writability in mind.
rav1e is an AV1 video encoder, written in Rust.
debootwrap, unprivileged debootstrap using bubblewrap.
Combinatris, a bit like Tetris, only with SKI combinators instead of coloured blocks!
Brute Force, “the official logo for the United States Space Force”.