Websites that look like editors. Emacs: chatr (even with keybindings!), Planet Emacsen. Sam: I know there was a vi-style one too, but I can’t find it—please mail if you know it.
Your trains will not run, your rockets will not fly, your bridges will fall down, if they are constructed with calculations that have sign errors.
— Eric Schechter, Common Errors in College Math
Career advice, by Terrence Tao.
Math mode, a comprehensive compilation of all things typesetting
math in by Herbert Voß.
The Spec’s in the Mail, Rohit Khare summarizes the history of SMTP.
MsgGroup archives, what a true gem I found! This is like the first mailing list on the net, featuring one of the first flamewars (on the privacy of FINGER, see #794, 008_may78-feb79), the creation of Header-People (another early list meant to standardize mail headers, but often ending in huge flamefests), and the introduction of DNS.
Identifying Principles for Internet Governance: Studying the Early Days of MsgGroup Mailing List, by Ronda Hauben.
Operads and their Monads, “it’s time to write some code illustrating them.”
Fran, the finite state automaton
A Case for Dependent Families, by Conor McBride “These are the slides of the talk I gave as my ‘valedictory seminar’ from the Edinburgh LFCS. It was very nice of them to invite me.”
Making Soap from Kitchen Grease, uh, yum.