Finding a CPU Design Bug in the Xbox 360, by Bruce Dawson.
OBNC is a compiler for Niklaus Wirth’s programming language Oberon. OBNC translates source code written in Oberon to the lower-level programming language C.
Eukleides is a computer language devoted to elementary plane geometry.
Quinto: Resurrecting an Abandoned Board Game, by JR Heard. “Quinto is basically Scrabble, except with numbers instead of letters.” Fun. maps every 3x3m area on earth to three words.
A Water-based Solution of Polynomial Equations, by Mark Levi.
Phonetic Palindromes (2011), by Susan Thorpe.
Mathematical and Puzzle Fonts/Typefaces, by Erik Demaine, Martin Demaine, and others.
Social Decay, illustrations by Andrei Lacatusu.