Voyager 1 Fires Up Thrusters After 37 Years, “a set of thrusters aboard the Voyager 1 spacecraft successfully fired up Wednesday after 37 years without use.”
Gravity-SPHINCS is a stateless hash-based signature scheme designed by Jean-Philippe Aumasson and Guillaume Endignoux.
Kanboard is project management software that focuses on the Kanban methodology. Lightweight and simple to install.
Seventh RISC-V Workshop: Day One, Day Two, notes by Alex Bradbury.
blinry’s Advent Calendar of Curiosities 2017
Das Unicorn, Ein Einhorn auf Weltreise. Jeden Tag ein Reisetürchen.
The Advent of Void, “Every day until Dec 25, we’ll show you one of the lesser known packages of Void Linux, with some focus on command line tools.”
The Game of the Amazons is a two-player abstract strategy game invented in 1988 by Walter Zamkauskas of Argentina.