How to Do Everything (Lifehacking Considered Harmful), by Cory Doctorow. Read the comments!
Simplicity: A New Language for Blockchains (PDF), by Russell O’Connor. “Simplicity is a typed, combinator-based, functional language without loops and recursion, designed to be used for crypto-currencies and blockchain applications. … Simplicity comes with formal denotational semantics defined in Coq.”
Temporal Type Theory: A topos-theoretic approach to systems and behavior, by Patrick Schultz and David I. Spivak.
A modern translation of the 1+1=2 lemma, by Mark J. Dominus.
The Amazing $1 Microcontroller
uftrace, a Linux function graph tracer for user-space.
lemon–, a fork of the lemon parser generator with better support for C++11.
The AA tree is a form of balanced tree, named for Arne Andersson.
Elemental haiku, by Mary Soon LeeAug. “A review of the Periodic Table composed of 119 science haiku.”
An ‘Infinite’ Galaxy Puzzle That Can Be Built in Any Direction