Recursive DNS Server Fingerprint, “Our goal is to identify hijacked resolvers by analyzing their fingerprints, in order to increase safety of Internet users.”
220,000 cores and counting: MIT math professor breaks record for largest ever Compute Engine job, “Andrew V. Sutherland is a computational number theorist and Principal Research Scientist at MIT, and is using Compute Engine to explore generalizations of the Sato-Tate Conjecture and the conjecture of Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer to curves of higher genus.”
Glob Matching Can Be Simple And Fast Too, by Russ Cox. (But it mostly isn’t.)
A simple, possibly correct LR parser for C11 (PDF), by Jacques-Henri Jourdan and François Pottier.
NNCP (Node to Node copy) is a collection of utilities simplifying secure store-and-forward files and mail exchanging.
SciTECO, an advanced TECO dialect and interactive screen editor based on Scintilla. WJW.
rustasm6502, a MOS6502 assembler implemented as a Rust macro.
Scripts for installing V8 UNIX from tape, running on a SIMH VAX. Now with blit support!