runter vom eis, felix schwenzel schreibt: “ich möchte am liebsten vom verlauf der weltgeschichte allein gelassen werden.”
AWS gains IPv6 support for 15 regions, no more excuses!
Google’s SRE book is now public under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0.
The Essence of Event-Driven Programming (PDF), by Jennifer Paykin, Neelakantan R. Krishnaswami, and Steve Zdancewic.
TCP-ENO: Encryption Negotiation Option, RFC draft: “The TCP Encryption Negotiation Option (TCP-ENO) addresses both of these problems through a new TCP option kind providing out-of-band, fully backward-compatible negotiation of encryption.”.
1.1 Billion Taxi Rides on kdb+/q & 4 Xeon Phi CPUs, neat!
How Linux got to be Linux: Test driving 1993-2003 distros
Fast exact summation using small and large superaccumulators, by Radford M. Neal. Amazingly tricky.
Everything You Never Wanted To Know About Molecular Tschunk Spheres