RC4 NOMORE, Numerous Occurrence MOnitoring & Recovery Exploit. By Mathy Vanhoef and Frank Piessens. “This is the first time weaknesses in RC4, when used in TLS and HTTPS, are exploited against real devices.” … “Our attack against WPA-TKIP takes only an hour to execute, and allows an attacker to inject and decrypt arbitrary packets.”
IOCCC 2014 winners’ source code is released.
Introducing Incremental, a powerful OCaml library for building self-adjusting computations, i.e., computations that can be updated efficiently when their inputs change.
More ties than we thought, by Dan Hirsch, Ingemar Markström, Meredith L. Patterson, Anders Sandberg, and Mikael Vejdemo-Johansson. “We extend the existing enumeration of neck tie-knots to include tie-knots with a textured front, tied with the narrow end of a tie.”
Designing a Secret Handshake: Authenticated Key Exchange as a Capability System (PDF), by Dominic Tarr.
Free (as in GPL2) translation dictionaries for the Kindle
Why Won’t “Orange Is The New Black” Acknowledge That Bisexuals Exist?