Gründungserklärung der Gefangenen Gewerkschaft der JVA Tegel
Ornaments in Practice (PDF), by Thomas Williams, Pierre-Évariste Dagand, and Didier Rémy. “We explore the feasibility and the interest of using ornaments in practice by applying these notions in an ML-like programming language.”
Your next conference should have real-time captioning, yes please!
titus is a TLS/SSL proxy server (like stunnel or stud) that protects you from vulnerabilities in the TLS implementation such as Heartbleed (or worse).
unix-history-repo, a git repository representing the Unix source code history.
Reverse-engineering the TL431, the most common chip you’ve never heard of.
GooBing Detroit, “Comparing Detroit property on Google Streetview (c. 2009) and Bing Streetview (c. 2012)”