Computer History Museum Makes Historic MS-DOS and Word for Windows Source Code Available to the Public, “We are today releasing the source code of MS-DOS version 1.1 from 1982, and of version 2.0 from 1983.”
Univalent Foundations: New Foundations of Mathematics, talk by Vladimir Voevodsky (Slides). Recommended.
Closing panel at the 1995 Brown/MIT Vannevar Bush Symposium, featuring Doug Engelbart, Alan Kay, Ted Nelson, and Tim Berners-Lee.
Examples of mathematical results discovered “late”
Baresip is a portable and modular SIP User-Agent with audio and video support.
kakoune, a modal editor with an interesting vi-inspired editing language.
Zeitstempeldienst der DFN-PKI, very interesting!
The Story of ○, by Eugene McDonnell.