Time-lock encryption, by gwern. Contains some nice and new to me ideas.
A workflow for local patch maintenance in Git. Interesting discussion too.
Dateutils are a bunch of tools that revolve around fiddling with dates and times in the command line with a strong focus on use cases that arise when dealing with large amounts of financial data. Too bad it has no sort(1) utility.
zlib examples, these contain some useful tools like gzlog or gzappend.
ChaCha20 and Poly1305 for TLS, yay.
HaMLet is a faithful and complete implementation of the Standard ML programming language (SML’97). Can compile to JavaScript now.
A lambda calculus for real analysis, by Paul Taylor. “This is an introduction to Abstract Stone Duality for the general mathematician, with application to elementary real analysis.”
Cartesian closed categories and the Lawvere fixed point theorem, by Qiaochu Yuan.
Black MIDI music composers make “seemingly impossible” music consisting of millions of notes.