How Advanced Is the NSA’s Cryptanalysis—And Can We Resist It?, by Bruce Schneier.
Types for Flexible Objects, by Pottayil Harisanker Menon, Zachary Palmer, Alexander Rozenshteyn, and Scott Smith. “In this paper we define TinyBang, a small typed language containing only functions, labeled data, a data combinator, and pattern matching. We show how it can directly express all of the aforementioned flexible object features and still have sound typing.” Also see BigBang.
Purely Functional Structured Programming, by Steven Obua.
Chisel, Constructing Hardware in a Scala Embedded Language.
Apt-pbo: Solving the Software Dependency Problem using Pseudo-Boolean Optimization (PDF), by Paulo Trezentos, InĂªs Lynce, and Arlindo L. Oliveira.
The Z-80 has a 4-bit ALU, explained in great detail.
Debian Sources, browse through the source code of the Debian operating system.
Meeus implements algorithms from the book “Astronomical Algorithms” by Jean Meeus in Go.
Poezio is a free console XMPP client, written in Python 3.
This Interactive Map Compares the New York City of 1836 to Today, cool.
Football and the Fall of Jack Kerouac, by Ian Scheffler.
List of Black Fridays on Wikipedia.