Port scanning /0 using insecure embedded devices, “From March to December 2012 we used ~420 Thousand insecure embedded devices as a distributed port scanner to scan all IPv4 addresses.” WJW. (Also see the paper. Fantastic results.)
Running NetBSD’s Rump Kernels On Any Host, “builds unmodified NetBSD kernel drivers such as file systems and the TCP/IP stack as components for hosts such as Linux and other BSDs.”
Using BGP for realtime import and export of OpenBSD spamd entries, by Peter Hessler and Bob Beck. Neat idea.
LiScript replaces JavaScript’s syntax by Lisp’s powerful S-Expressions and macro system. Nice small implementation.
Copper is a simple imperative language statically typed with type inference and genericity. Elegant design.
Nineteen Films, Dave Fischer attempts to list the greatest films ever made. Also, his list of Insane Films.
Hacking NVidia Cards into their Professional Counterparts, by changing the resistors that specify the PCI ID(!).
Voyager 1 has entered a new region of space
Homeworld 2 – Backgrounds, very cool.
Beetle Juice – A Minecraft Roller Coaster
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