2012 music wrap-up, by jwz.
Tweak is a hex editor. Tweak uses a complex data structure based on B-trees, designed to make almost all editing operations extremely fast, even when they are working on huge amounts of data.
OPSEC for hackers and freedom fighters, slides by grugq.
Ideally Bare Numeric Impression giZmo, IBNIZ is a virtual machine designed for extremely compact low-level audiovisual programs. (Munching squares is “^x6r-“).
“DCI” in Ruby is completely broken, Tony Arcieri explains why the “extend”-approach sucks. Why don’t people just use composition?
sxhkd is a simple X hotkey daemon. Much lighter than xbindkeys and uses XCB.
Debugging the OpenBSD kernel via QEMU, step-by-step. Also useful for other OSes.
On Falling Over, by Tom Coates.