The Perl 5.16.0 Epigraph, “I chose the penultimate stanza from W.H. Auden’s September 1, 1939.”
There is no such thing as the State
And no one exists alone;
Hunger allows no choice
To the citizen or the police;
We must love one another or die.
— W.H. Auden, SEPTEMBER 1, 1939*
Full Disk Encryption (with ZFS root) for FreeBSD 9.x, this step-by-step walkthrough also works with mfsBSD (if you extract the missing kernel modules from the kernel to be installed). is a magic domain name that provides wildcard DNS for any IP address.
K, by Arthur Whitney. First(?) article about it in Vector 10/4, 1994.
MapReduce in K/Kona, short YouTube video.
Stuxnet-Duqu-Flame open source license questions v0, Duqu violates GPL.
zpax implements Paxos consensus over ZeroMQ message passing.
What is the Acme way of approaching it?
Dylan Egan’s some sort of travel log
Poker Hand Identifier in sed(1).