Steve Jobs at Home in 1982, RIP.
Chaos Computer Club analyzes government malware, very nice. Ahoi Polloi dazu.
Time zone database shut down, fuckers.
Back to Basics, “The land is calling to me. It smells of plain-text, ftp and baked HTML. It is self-hosted and self-publishing.”
Tame is an extension to JavaScript, written in JavaScript, that makes event programming easier to write, read, and edit. Yay CPS.
Has Gnome 3 decided that people shouldn’t want screen savers?, just to a note to everyone: Nobody forces you to use this shit, there are plenty of alternatives.
xtruss is an easy-to-use X protocol tracing program. Very nice.
Golden Grid System, a folding grid for responsive design. Really nice.
Algorithmic symphonies from one line of code—how and why?, cool stuff.
Homemade GPS Receiver, well documented.
Wikihistory, by Desmond Warzel. “Everybody kills Hitler on their first trip.”