Wau, ein Angedenken von Peter Glaser zu Wau Holland.
Learning from Doom, by Viktor Timofeev.
The geeks who saved Usenet (2002), on the UTZOO tapes.
Getting to know Anders Behring Breivik, “He’s bats, but batshit stupid rather than simply crazy.”
VVVV.js aims to bring the visual programming language VVVV to your web browser.
Opa: The cloud language, ML-based full cloud stack, not unlike Ur.
LevelDB: A Fast Persistent Key-Value Store from Google. Supports sorted keys.
Exporting QCOW2 images as network block devices, sounds nice!
Acme Mail on Unix, by Russ Cox. MH-driven.
The Campaign For Real Monopoly, if you don’t buy unowned property, it is auctioned.
Connecting the Dots and the answer.
Mona Lisa as a 6,239 dot-to-dot drawing.
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