Osama bin Ladin; gone but not forgotten, cause everyone deserves an obit. (Also, the Economist, the Statement From the Family of Osama bin Laden, and Michael Moore’s Some Final Thoughts on the Death of Osama bin Laden.)
PDP-11 emulator in JavaScript, running UNIX Sixth Edition! WJW.
Unix Seventh Edition Manual, especially Volume 2 is a treasure trove of historical tidbits.
The Raspberry Pi Foundation plans to develop, manufacture and distribute an ultra-low-cost computer. Want have!
Recollections of Early Chip Development at Intel (PDF).
Why are Black Boxes so Hard to Reuse?, transcript of a talk by Gregor Kiczales. (OOPSLA’94)
Ani Pro, (a.k.a. Autodesk Animator) is a 256 color paint and animation package for MSDOS. Source code now available. I remember .FLI.
The German School of Lisp, a categorization.
Twitter sparklines, yay.