How a handful of geeks defied the USSR, “All channels were blacked-out except for one; Usenet” (archive).
Lessons from MetaFilter, SXSW talk available on Vimeo.
Fukushima and Engineering, Matt Webb finds the truest words: “1991–2001 were blessed years in the West. […] I feel no guilt. That was the most carefree decade I’ll have.” I feel both grateful and sad for growing up during that time.
Reverse-enginerring the Sendai earthquake by GPS
J Primer, J Dictionary, read them in that order, always having the J Vocabulary open. I certainly have a lot of fun with it. I also urge you to glimpse into “An Implementation of J” (in jgplsrc/docs/ioj/ioj.htm)
groff deleted from OpenBSD tree, making it thus C++ free.
OpenBSD 4.9: “The Answer”, they cover Bob Dylan.
The Junkyard Jumbotron lets you take a bunch of random displays and instantly stitch them together into a large, virtual display, simply by taking a photograph of them. All you need is a browser.
Swift, the multiparty transport protocol, “aka BitTorrent at the transport layer”. Compact implementation, directly uses UDP.
Pratt Parsers are nice.
5x13, a condensed pixel font by me.