Global IPv6 Deployment Progress Report, updated daily.
Day & Night, by Pixar. Must see.
Freie Scientologen, “Ähnlich wie Martin Luther versuchte, die Christliche Lehre vor der Korruption des Vatikans zu retten, versuchen die Freien Scientologen die Lehre Hubbards vor der Zerstörung durch das Management der Scientology Kirche zu schützen.” WJW.
Homebrew Cray-1A, “I’ve spent the last year and a half or so constructing my own 1/10-scale, binary-compatible, cycle-accurate Cray-1.”
V-USB is a software-only implementation of a low-speed USB device for Atmel’s AVR microcontrollers, making it possible to build USB hardware with almost any AVR microcontroller, not requiring any additional chip.
Keita Takahashi at The Setup. Unmatched in humbleness.
ECDH/ECDSA support for OpenSSH, now in tree. Unfortunately, ECDSA is not quantum computer safe, too.
Plack is Rack for Perl.
tinydyndns, pop-before-dyndns service using djbdns. Protocol fuckup of the century.
A No Bullshit Twitter OAuth Example, ridiculous.