Regular Expression Matching in the Wild, Russ Cox third and final article in the series.
GFS: Evolution on Fast-Forward, Kirk McKusick and Sean Quinlan discuss the origin and evolution of the Google File System.
The Curated Web, The American Prospect on Tumblr. Well written, hits the nail.
The iPhone vision of the mobile Internet’s future omits controversy, sex, and freedom, but includes strict limits on who can know what and who can say what. It’s a sterile Disney-fied walled garden surrounded by sharp-toothed lawyers. The people who create the apps serve at the landlord’s pleasure and fear his anger.
I hate it.
— Tim Bray, Joining Google*
Breaking Provably Secure Systems
Digital: A Love story, a multi-platform game: A computer mystery/romance set five minutes into the future of 1988.
kitten: The Text Adventure, fun.
Origami Magic Rose Cube (YouTube).
three color studies, by Tomer Hanuka.