The Six-Lesson Schoolteacher, by John Taylor Gatto, New York State Teacher of the Year, 1991.
Online papers on consciousness is a directory of 5200 free online papers on consciousness in philosophy and in science, and of related topics in the philosophy of mind.
Modernism and the little magazines, “The literary journal is dead. Long live the literary journal.”
Nanni Balestrini »Tristano«, “Vier Jahrzehnte später erlaubt die digitale Drucktechnik, das Buch so zu veröffentlichen, wie der Autor es ursprünglich geplante hatte: Per Computer werden aus den 30 Abschnitten der 10 Kapitel jeweils 20 ausgewählt und in eine neue, zufällige Reihenfolge gebracht.”
Girih generates quasiperiodic tilings with ten-fold rotational symmetry by recursively subdividing three shapes in the manner shown below.
The Pmarca Guide to Personal Productivity, 1.) Don’t keep a schedule.
Workshop on Organizing Workshops, Conferences, and Symposia for Computer Systems
fugitive.vim, a Git wrapper “so awesome, it should be illegal.”
Dyl-Time Theme Radio Hour, is a parody of Bob Dylan’s wonderful radio show on XM called “Theme Time Radio Hour”.
Thought-experiment mashups, by Simon Tatham.
Kashiwa Mystery Cafe, you get what the person before you ordered.
Mystery Google, you get what the person before you searched for.