“Freiheit kann man gar nicht genug haben”, Rede der Hedonistischen Internationale auf der Demo Freiheit statt Angst am 12.09.09.
Slow Web, “There’s a web that’s well-considered and worth savoring.”
The complete online Infocom adventures page, “play online every known version of every Infocom adventure.”
On the Origin of Species: The Preservation of Favoured Traces, visualized by Ben Fry. “Darwin’s On the Origin of Species evolved over the course of several editions he wrote, edited, and updated during his lifetime.”
When the net slowly becomes populated with non-hackers, who aren’t part of that community, and don’t do anything productive for the net at large, much of the motivation driving the current system will die. (Yes, of course there will be non-hackers who find some usefull thing to do that is beneficial to the net. I think most will just be TV-watching drone types though.)
— Dave Fischer, Future of the net?* (1993)
Tornado is an open source version of the scalable, non-blocking web server and tools that power FriendFeed. Uses Python and epoll.
Mew is a mail reader for Emacs that supports fetching only the last part of an IMAP mailbox. Giving this a try instead of Gnus.
retawq is an interactive, multi-threaded network client (web browser) for text terminals on computers with Unix-like operating systems. Renders much like lynx (no tables), but is a lot more responsive and suitable for actual browsing (it has tabs, can save sessions).
SliTaz, a lightweight 30mb base Linux LiveCD with more than 1200 additional packages.
vxargs, running arbitrary commands with explicit parallelism, visualization and redirection.
Color Scheme Designer 3 works really well.