Twitter Clients Are a UI Design Playground, by John Gruber. Here’s what I want from a Twitter client: Tight, usually one-line display per tweet (I don’t want to see your mugshots, at least not all the time), incremental search (who again twittered about that?), marking visited links, ability to see a user’s last links easily, a simple way to copy the text and the URL of the permalink, a multi-line input widget that actually fits 160 characters, a way to post tweets with time lag (e.g. post these three tweets in the next hour), a reliable way to see if my tweet has been posted, a threading view, drafting tweets. I currently use Twitterific and am more than a bit unsatisfied.
GeoCities will close later this year, a significant loss of internet culture. Also, see this.
How False Rumors Can Cost Lives, by Kragen Sitaker. Must read.
This Diseased Utopia: 10 Thoughts on Swine Flu and the City
Minkowski’s question mark function
jwz’s meta key, I mainly use ESC in Emacs. (Now laugh.)
Meat cards, WJW.