The Emperor’s New Mind, Guido van Rossum re-read it. Definitely one of my favourite books, and I highly recommend it. It certainly influenced me.
The Ten Commandments of Leo Szilard, “Szilard was one of the most accomplished, least known modern scientists.” Must read.
2. Direct your deeds to a worthy goal, but do not ask if they will achieve the goal; let them be models and examples rather than means to an end.
— Leo Szilard
Scrum-ban, “For those that are curious about kanban in an office context, it’s not unusual to find people who are either currently using Scrum, or have some understanding of Scrum as representative of Agile thinking. One way or another, Scrum users are an important constituent of the Kanban audience.”
A Stream Input-Output System, by Dennis M. Ritchie. “In a new version of the Unix operating system, a flexible coroutine-based design replaces the traditional rigid connection between processes and terminals or networks.”
My undergraduate experience convinced me that I was not smart enough
to be a physicist, and that computers were quite neat. My graduate
school experience convinced me that I was not smart enough to be an
expert in the theory of algorithms and also that I liked procedural
languages better than functional ones.
— Dennis M. Ritchie
Research Unix, good overview at Wikipedia.
Commentary on the Sixth Edition UNIX Operating System, full text available.
AR10, a new architectural blog.
The coachman, he hit me for my hook
And he asked me my name.
I give it to him right away,
Then I hung my head in shame.
Lo and behold! Lo and behold!
Lookin’ for my lo and behold,
Get me outa here, my dear man!
— Bob Dylan, Lo And Behold!
Video Footage from War on Gaza, from the Al Jazeera Creative Commons(!) Repository., things that are not ironic.
SysV init must die, full ack.
Acceleration Due to Gravity: Super Mario Brothers