How I Got Smart, by Amy Schneider, 40 time Jeopardy! Champion.
29-year-old Conway conjecture settled, “[I]s there a Godlike still-Life, one that can only have existed for all time?”
What goes into making an OS to be Unix compliant certified?, good answer by Terry Lambert from the Apple Core OS Kernel Team.
Makam is a metalanguage that eases implementation of languages with rich type systems, supporting concise and modular language definitions, aimed at allowing rapid prototyping and experimentation with new programming language research ideas. By Antonis Stampoulis.
mir, a lightweight JIT compiler based on MIR (Medium Internal Representation). By Vladimir Makarov.
The Art of Prolog (1994), book by Leon S. Sterling and Ehud Y. Shapiro. (Freely downloadable under Open Access.)
Parsing Decimals 4 times faster in Rust.