require 'test/spec' require '' def T(code) end describe "ThemeParser" do it "should parse atoms" do T("Foo").should.equal"Foo") T("Foo_Bar").should.equal"Foo_Bar") T("Foo23").should.equal"Foo23") T("foo") Atom T("_Foo") Atom T("Foo-Bar") Atom should.raise(Theme::LexError) { T("23Foo") } end it "should parse identifiers" do T("foo").should.equal"foo") T("foo_bar").should.equal"foo_bar") T("foo23").should.equal"foo23") T("_").should.equal"_") T("_bar").should.equal"_bar") T("Foo") Variable T("foo-bar") Variable should.raise(Theme::LexError) { T("23foo") } end it "should parse operators in parens as identifiers" do T("(+)").should.equal"+") T("(-)").should.equal"-") T("(//~~)").should.equal"//~~") should.raise(Theme::ParseError) { T("(|)") } should.raise(Theme::ParseError) { T("(,)") } should.raise(Theme::ParseError) { T("(=)") } should.raise(Theme::ParseError) { T("(`)") } T("(||)").should.equal"||") T("(==)").should.equal"==") should.raise(Theme::ParseError) { T("(``)") } should.raise(Theme::ParseError) { T("(,,)") } end it "should parse tuples" do T("V[X,Y]") Tuple T("V[X,Y,Z]") Tuple T("V[]") Tuple T("V[X]") Tuple T("(X)") Tuple should.raise(Theme::ParseError) { T("V[A,]") } should.raise(Theme::ParseError) { T("V[,A]") } should.raise(Theme::ParseError) { T("[A,]") } should.raise(Theme::ParseError) { T("[,A]") } should.raise(Theme::ParseError) { T("[A]") } should.raise(Theme::ParseError) { T("[]") } end it "should parse function calls" do T("foo bar") Call T("foo(bar)") Call T("(foo -> foo)(bar)") Call T("foo V[bar, quux]") Call T("foo V[bar, quux, meh]") Call should.raise(Theme::ParseError) { T("foo()") } end it "should parse operator calls" do T("a + b") Call T("a ++ b") Call T("a +++ b") Call T("a + b + c") Call T("a `op` b") Call T("a :+: b") Call should.raise(Theme::ParseError) { T("a , b") } should.raise(Theme::ParseError) { T("a | b") } end it "should parse lambdas" do T("a -> b") Lambda T("(a) -> b") Lambda T("a -> b -> b") Lambda T("X(a) -> b") Lambda should.raise(Theme::ParseError) { T("(a ->)") } should.raise(Theme::ParseError) { T("(-> b)") } end it "should parse lambda chains" do T("a -> b | c -> d") Chain T("a -> b | c -> d | e -> f") Chain should.raise(Theme::ParseError) { T("a -> b |") } should.raise(Theme::ParseError) { T("| a -> b") } end it "should parse/desugar where clauses" do T("a where b = c") Call T("a where b = c where e = f") Call T("a where b = (c where e = f)") Call should.raise(Theme::ParseError) { T("a where b") } end it "should parse/desugar let clauses" do T("let a = b in c") Call T("let a = b in let c = d in e") Call should.raise(Theme::ParseError) { T("let a = b") } end it "should parse/desugar case clauses" do T("case a of (b -> c)") Call T("case a of (b -> case d of (e -> f))") Call should.raise(Theme::ParseError) { T("case a of") } should.raise(Theme::ParseError) { T("case a of b") } end it "should remove line comments" do T("#foo\nfoo").should.equal"foo") T("foo#foo").should.equal"foo") end end describe "Theme evaluator" do it "should not evaluate primitive values" do T("Foo").eval.should.equal T("Foo") T("a -> b").eval.should.equal T("a -> b") T("a -> b | c -> d").eval.should.equal T("a -> b | c -> d") end it "should reduce tuples" do T("Foo[Bar[Quux]]").eval."Foo"), ["Bar"), ["Quux")])]) end it "should evaluate simple lambdas" do T("(a -> a)(I)").eval.should.equal T("I").eval T("(a -> X[a])(I)").eval.should.equal T("X[I]").eval T("(a -> X[a,a])(I)").eval.should.equal T("X[I, I]").eval T("(Z[a, b] -> X[a,b]) Z[I, J]").eval.should.equal T("X[I, J]").eval T("(a -> b -> X[a,b]) I J").eval.should.equal T("X[I, J]").eval end it "should do correct beta reduction" do T("(x -> (y -> x))(Z)").eval.should.equal T("y -> Z") T("(x -> (x -> x))(Z)").eval.should.equal T("x -> x") T("(x -> (x -> x | y -> x | y -> y))(Z)").eval. should.equal T("x -> x | y -> Z | y -> y") T("(x -> y -> (x -> P[x, y])) Z Z").eval.should.equal T("x -> P[x, Z]") end it "should evaluate where correctly" do T("x where x = Z").eval.should.equal T("Z") T("x where x = P[y,y] where y = Z").eval.should.equal T("P[Z, Z]").eval end it "should pattern-match by length" do T("(one -> One)(X)").eval.should.equal T("One") T("(T[one, two] -> Two) T[X, Y]").eval.should.equal T("Two") T("(T[one, two] -> Two | T[one] -> One) T[X]").eval.should.equal T("One") T("(T[one, two] -> Two | T[one] -> One) T[X, Y]").eval.should.equal T("Two") T("(T[x,y] -> Two | T[x,y,z] -> Three | T[x] -> One) T[X,Y,Z]").eval.should.equal T("Three") end it "should pattern-match by structure" do T("(One -> Two | Two -> Three | _ -> NoIdea)(One)").eval. should.equal T("Two") T("(One -> Two | Two -> Three | _ -> NoIdea)(Two)").eval. should.equal T("Three") T("(One -> Two | Two -> Three | _ -> NoIdea)(Three)").eval. should.equal T("NoIdea") T("(Box[item] -> item)(Box[Gift])").eval.should.equal T("Gift") T("(Z -> X)(Z)").eval.should.equal T("X") T("(B[Z] -> X)(B[Z])").eval.should.equal T("X") T("(B[Z] -> X)(B[W])").eval.should.equal T("NoMatch[B[W]]").eval end it "should pattern-match by predicate" do T("(x(z) -> True | _ -> False)(Z) where x = Z -> True").eval. should.equal T("True") T("(x(z) -> z | _ -> False)(Z) where x = Z -> True").eval. should.equal T("Z") T("(y(z) -> z | _ -> False)(X) where y = Y -> True | Z -> True").eval. should.equal T("False") T("(y(z) -> z | _ -> False)(Y) where y = Y -> True | Z -> True").eval. should.equal T("Y") T("(x(d) -> d)(Z) where x = X -> True"). eval.should.equal T("NoMatch[Z]").eval T("(x(d) -> d)(X) where x = X -> True"). eval.should.equal T("X") T("List[react(GoodGuy), react(GoodGuy2), react(BadGuy), react(Stranger)] where react = nice(guy) -> Say[HiThere, guy] | angry(guy) -> Say[FuckOff, guy] | _ -> Say[Sup] where nice = GoodGuy -> True | GoodGuy2 -> True where angry = BadGuy -> True ").eval. should.equal T("List[Say[HiThere, GoodGuy], Say[HiThere, GoodGuy2], Say[FuckOff, BadGuy], Say[Sup]]").eval end it "should support nested lambdas" do T("(x -> y -> x) X").eval.should.equal T("y -> X") T("(x -> y -> x) X Y").eval.should.equal T("X") T("((x -> y -> List[x, y]) X) Y").eval.should.equal T("List[X, Y]").eval T("(x -> y -> List[x, y]) X Y").eval.should.equal T("List[X, Y]").eval end it "should notice invalid calls" do should.raise(Theme::RunError) { T("X Y").eval } should.raise(Theme::RunError) { T("X[Z] Y").eval } should.raise(Theme::RunError) { T("(x -> y -> x) X Y Z").eval } end it "should support at-bindings" do T("(x@y -> x) Foo").eval.should.equal T("Foo") T("(x@Foo[y] -> Cons[x,y]) Foo[N]").eval.should.equal T("Cons[Foo[N], N]") T("(x -> x) X where x = Z").eval.should.equal T("X") T("(x -> x) Z where x = Z").eval.should.equal T("Z") T("(x@_ -> x) X where x = Z").eval.should.equal T("NoMatch[X]") T("(x@_ -> x) Z where x = Z").eval.should.equal T("Z") T("List[eq X X, eq X Y] where eq = x -> (x@_ -> True | _ -> False)").eval. should.equal T("List[True, False]") end it "should do case right" do T("List[not True, not False, not X] where not = x -> case x of ( True -> False | False -> True) ").eval.should.equal T("List[False, True, NoMatch[X]]") end end