Starting with tag: [TAG 0.4 Christian Neukirchen **20070629135020] [Fix infinite recursion when test/spec is loaded several times Christian Neukirchen **20070630105407] [Allow should.? as well as should. Christian Neukirchen **20070808101424] [Add shared contexts Christian Neukirchen **20070810121207] [Make all Kernel stuff private Christian Neukirchen **20070810121329] [Nested contexts now run the setups/teardowns/before(:all)/after(:all) of their parents. Christian Neukirchen **20071223141107 Refactored implementation by Xavier Shay. ] [Update flexmock tests Christian Neukirchen **20080702100638] [stubba is deprecated Christian Neukirchen **20080702100713] [No more hoe Christian Neukirchen **20080702101110] [Remove some debugging output Christian Neukirchen **20080702101134] [Update docs Christian Neukirchen **20080702101633] [Push version to 0.9 Christian Neukirchen **20080702101819] [TAG 0.9 Christian Neukirchen **20080702101828] [Fixes for 1.9 with test-unit gem 2.0.2 Christian Neukirchen **20090105125539] [Set version to 0.10 Christian Neukirchen **20090201103730] [TAG 0.10 Christian Neukirchen **20090201103758] [Subcontexts inherit outer context; Test::Unit::TestCase by default. Christian Neukirchen **20090206170703 Contributed by Chris Gaffney . ] [Various fixes for 1.9.1 Christian Neukirchen **20100106132815 Partly reported by Eric Wong ] [test-spec-jruby**20100117004429 Ignore-this: c1a809287e5a29a767fbe6d552f86d56 On JRuby, reopening the output stream does not change its class from IO to File (as it happens on MRI 1.8 and 1.9); to work around this issue, make it store the path separately and use that instead. ] [Fix for test-unit 2.0.6 Christian Neukirchen **20100224205805]