Ruby/XML/Simple v0.1.5 Copyright (C) 2004 Jürgen Mangler Ruby/XML/Simple is freely distributable according to the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (see the file 'COPYING'). This program is distributed without any warranty. See the file 'COPYING' for details. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You need a least ruby 1.8.2 a libxml version know to work is 1.6.11 * ruby extconf.rb * make * [become root] * make install * view the examples in the examples subdirectory ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Documentation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XML::Simple - A Ruby class for fast and simple XML access SYNOPSIS TO CHANGE A FILE ON THE DISK require 'xml/simple'$0) + "/EXAMPLE.xml") { |doc| node = doc.root.find("/test/names").first node.append_child("test_node",{"attr" => 12}, "Muahaha") node.append_child("test_node", "Muahaha", {"attr" => 13}) node.append_child("test_node", {"attr" => 14}) node.append_child("test_node", "Muahaha") node.append_child("test_node") } SYNOPSIS TO CHANGE A QUERY A FILE require 'xml/simple'$0) + "/EXAMPLE.xml") node = doc.root.find("/test/names").first node.append_child("test_node",{"attr" => 12}, "Muahaha") node.append_child("test_node", "Muahaha", {"attr" => 13}) node.append_child("test_node", {"attr" => 14}) node.append_child("test_node", "Muahaha") -------------------------------------------------------------------------------