<%= link_to "Back", {:action => "view"}, {:class => "button"} %>

On replying to a Fugi thread:

You are about to reply to the Fugi post shown with gray background.

Please note that you are not required to provide any detail about your person, in fact, you are encouraged to post anonymously. This ensures that the quality of your post will be defined by the quality of the content only, and not by the author and sheit's reputation. more...

Please use your anonymity for good. Your IP address will be logged, abusive content will be deleted.

<%= start_form_tag :action => "post" %> <%= hidden_field :new_post, :parent, {:value => params[:id]} %>

<%= text_field :new_post, :author, {:value => @default_author} %> (optional)
<%= password_field :new_post, :tripcode, {:value => @default_tripcode} %> (optional) <%= check_box_tag_with_description "remember", "Remember this information" %>
Your message:
<%= text_area :new_post, :content, {:cols => 50, :rows => 8} %> <%= check_box_tag_with_description "new_post[sage]", "Sage?" %>
<%= submit_tag "Submit!" %>
<%= end_form_tag %>
<%= render(:partial => "discussion", :object => @discussion) %>

More information:

Should you, for reasons whatsoever, need to specify your personal identity, fill in the author field. In this case, you also are encouraged to add a tripcode, which is a secret password that will appear in a hashed way next to your name. By comparing the tripcodes of the posts you can find out if the same person (or a person that knew the tripcode...) wrote various posts.

On replying, the thread you replied in will be aged, making it appear on top of the thread list. If prefer now to age the thread, enable the Sage? checkbox; usually this is done because the thread is old or inflaming and therefore doesn't deserve much attention by others. If you saged the post, an icon (◈) will appear next to the post.

URLs and email addresses will be converted to links; two newlines result in a new paragraph, no other ways of formatting are possible.