#!/usr/bin/env ruby # Acronym generator. # Public Domain -- Christian Neukirchen 2001 # Based on this fortune output: # # Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 # # 0. integrated 0. management 0. options # 1. total 1. organizational 1. flexibility # 2. systematized 2. monitored 2. capability # 3. parallel 3. reciprocal 3. mobility # 4. functional 4. digital 4. programming # 5. responsive 5. logistical 5. concept # 6. optional 6. transitional 6. time-phase # 7. synchronized 7. incremental 7. projection # 8. compatible 8. third-generation 8. hardware # 9. balanced 9. policy 9. contingency # # The procedure is simple. Think of any three-digit number, # then select the corresponding buzzword from each column. For # instance, number 257 produces "systematized logistical projection," # a phrase that can be dropped into virtually any report with that # ring of decisive, knowledgeable authority. "No one will have the # remotest idea of what you're talking about," says Broughton, "but # the important thing is that they're not about to admit it." # -- Philip Broughton, "How to Win at Wordsmanship" col1 = [ "integrated ", "total ", "systemized ", "parallel ", "functional ", "responsive ", "optional ", "syncronized ", "compatible ", "balanced ", #-------------- "advanced ", "thinking ", "intelligent ", "open ", "free " ] col2 = [ "management ", "organizational ", "monitored ", "reciprocal ", "digital ", "logistical ", "transitional ", "incremental ", "third-generation ", "policy ", #-------------- "fourth-generation ", "three-dimensional ", "securing ", "knowledge ", "basic " ] col3 = [ "options", "flexibility", "capability", "mobility", "programming", "concept", "time-phase", "projection", "hardware", "contingency", #-------------- "interface", "system", "software", "e-books", "office" ] #srand() s1 = col1[rand(col1.length)] s2 = col2[rand(col2.length)] s3 = col3[rand(col3.length)] acronym = (s1[0].chr + s2[0].chr + s3[0].chr).upcase acronym.gsub!(/(.)\1\1/, '\13') # TTT -> T3 acronym.gsub!(/(.)\1/, '\12') # RRT -> R2T acronym.gsub!(/\B(\D)/, '.\1') if rand(2) == 1 # IDF -> I.D.F puts 'New acronym: ' + s1 + s2 + s3 + ' (also called ' + acronym + ')'