o:Gem::SourceIndex: @gems{:I"bacon-1.0.0:ETu:Gem::Specification[I" 1.0.1:ETiI" bacon;TU:Gem::Version[I" 1.0.0;Tu: Time I"a small RSpec clone;TU:Gem::Requirement[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TI" ruby;F[0I"chneukirchen@gmail.com;T[I"Christian Neukirchen;TI"Bacon is a small RSpec clone weighing less than 350 LoC but nevertheless providing all essential features. http://chneukirchen.org/repos/bacon;TI"(http://chneukirchen.org/repos/bacon;TT@0I"rack-1.2.3;Tu;j[I" 1.5.2:ETiI" rack;TU:Gem::Version[I" 1.2.3;Tu: Time I"'a modular Ruby webserver interface;TU:Gem::Requirement[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TI" ruby;F[ o:Gem::Dependency : @nameI" bacon;T:@requirementU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T: @type:development:@prereleaseF:@version_requirements@!o; ; I" rake;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@+o; ; I" fcgi;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@5o; ; I"memcache-client;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@?o; ; I" mongrel;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@Io; ; I" thin;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@SI" rack;TI"chneukirchen@gmail.com;T[I"Christian Neukirchen;TI"[Rack provides minimal, modular and adaptable interface for developing web applications in Ruby. By wrapping HTTP requests and responses in the simplest way possible, it unifies and distills the API for web servers, web frameworks, and software in between (the so-called middleware) into a single method call. Also see http://rack.rubyforge.org. ;TI"http://rack.rubyforge.org;TT@[I"rack-1.4.2;Tu;w[I" 1.8.24:ETiI" rack;TU:Gem::Version[I" 1.4.2;Tu: Time @I"'a modular Ruby webserver interface;TU:Gem::Requirement[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TI" ruby;F[ o:Gem::Dependency : @nameI" bacon;T:@requirementU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T: @type:development:@prereleaseF:@version_requirements@!o; ; I" rake;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@+o; ; I"ruby-fcgi;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@5o; ; I"memcache-client;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@?o; ; I" mongrel;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"1.2.0.pre2;T; ; ;F;@Io; ; I" thin;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@SI" rack;TI"chneukirchen@gmail.com;T[I"Christian Neukirchen;TI"[Rack provides a minimal, modular and adaptable interface for developing web applications in Ruby. By wrapping HTTP requests and responses in the simplest way possible, it unifies and distills the API for web servers, web frameworks, and software in between (the so-called middleware) into a single method call. Also see http://rack.github.com/. ;TI"http://rack.github.com/;TT@[I"test-spec-0.2.7;Tu;[I""test-spec;TU:Gem::Version[I" 0.2.7;Tu: Time I"test/spec layers an RSpec-inspired interface on top of Test::Unit, so you can mix TDD and BDD (Behavior-Driven Development). test/spec is a clean-room implementation that maps most kinds of Test::Unit assertions to a `should'-like syntax.;TU:Gem::Requirement[[[I">;TU;[I" 0.0.0;T0I" ruby;F[o:Gem::Dependency: @nameI" flexmock;T:@version_requirementsU;[[[I">=;TU;[I" 0.4.1;T:@version_requirement0o; ; I" mocha;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I" 0.3.2;T; 0I"test-spec;TI"chneukirchen@gmail.com;T[I"Christian Neukirchen;TI"=;TU;[I"0;TU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TI" ruby;F[ o:Gem::Dependency : @nameI"test-spec;T:@requirementU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T: @type:development:@prereleaseF:@version_requirements@!o; ; I"activesupport;T; U;[[[I"<;TU;[I"2;T; ; ;F;@+o; ; I" camping;T; U;[[[I"<;TU;[I"1.6;T; ; ;F;@5o; ; I" fcgi;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@?o; ; I"memcache-client;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@Io; ; I" mongrel;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@So; ; I" thin;T; U;[[[I"<;TU;[I"1.2;T; ; ;F;@]I" rack;TI"chneukirchen@gmail.com;T[I"Christian Neukirchen;TI"[Rack provides minimal, modular and adaptable interface for developing web applications in Ruby. By wrapping HTTP requests and responses in the simplest way possible, it unifies and distills the API for web servers, web frameworks, and software in between (the so-called middleware) into a single method call. Also see http://rack.rubyforge.org. ;TI"http://rack.rubyforge.org;TT@[I"rack-1.3.3;Tu;k[I" 1.8.10:ETiI" rack;TU:Gem::Version[I" 1.3.3;Tu: Time I"'a modular Ruby webserver interface;TU:Gem::Requirement[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TI" ruby;F[ o:Gem::Dependency : @nameI" bacon;T:@requirementU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T: @type:development:@prereleaseF:@version_requirements@!o; ; I" rake;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@+o; ; I" fcgi;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@5o; ; I"memcache-client;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@?o; ; I" mongrel;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@Io; ; I" thin;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@SI" rack;TI"chneukirchen@gmail.com;T[I"Christian Neukirchen;TI"[Rack provides minimal, modular and adaptable interface for developing web applications in Ruby. By wrapping HTTP requests and responses in the simplest way possible, it unifies and distills the API for web servers, web frameworks, and software in between (the so-called middleware) into a single method call. Also see http://rack.rubyforge.org. ;TI"http://rack.rubyforge.org;TT@[I"test-spec-0.10.0;Tu;T[I" 1.3.1:ETiI"test-spec;TU:Gem::Version[I" 0.10.0;Tu: Time DI"=;TU;[I"0;TU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TI" ruby;F[I"test-spec;TI"chneukirchen@gmail.com;T[I"Christian Neukirchen;TI"test/spec layers an RSpec-inspired interface on top of Test::Unit, so you can mix TDD and BDD (Behavior-Driven Development). test/spec is a clean-room implementation that maps most kinds of Test::Unit assertions to a `should'-like syntax.;TI"#http://test-spec.rubyforge.org;TT@0I"rack-1.1.2;Tu;s[I" 1.3.7:ETiI" rack;TU:Gem::Version[I" 1.1.2;Tu: Time I"'a modular Ruby webserver interface;TU:Gem::Requirement[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TI" ruby;F[ o:Gem::Dependency : @nameI"test-spec;T:@requirementU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T: @type:development:@prereleaseF:@version_requirements@!o; ; I" camping;T; U;[[[I"<;TU;[I"1.5;T; ; ;F;@+o; ; I" fcgi;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@5o; ; I"memcache-client;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@?o; ; I" mongrel;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@Io; ; I" thin;T; U;[[[I"<;TU;[I"1.2;T; ; ;F;@SI" rack;TI"chneukirchen@gmail.com;T[I"Christian Neukirchen;TI"[Rack provides minimal, modular and adaptable interface for developing web applications in Ruby. By wrapping HTTP requests and responses in the simplest way possible, it unifies and distills the API for web servers, web frameworks, and software in between (the so-called middleware) into a single method call. Also see http://rack.rubyforge.org. ;TI"http://rack.rubyforge.org;TT@[I"rack-0.9.1;Tu;[I" 1.3.1:ETiI" rack;TU:Gem::Version[I" 0.9.1;Tu: Time AI"'a modular Ruby webserver interface;TU:Gem::Requirement[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TI" ruby;F[I" rack;TI"chneukirchen@gmail.com;T[I"Christian Neukirchen;TI"ZRack provides minimal, modular and adaptable interface for developing web applications in Ruby. By wrapping HTTP requests and responses in the simplest way possible, it unifies and distills the API for web servers, web frameworks, and software in between (the so-called middleware) into a single method call. Also see http://rack.rubyforge.org.;TI"http://rack.rubyforge.org;TT@0I"rack-1.3.8;Tu;p[I" 1.8.24:ETiI" rack;TU:Gem::Version[I" 1.3.8;Tu: Time @I"'a modular Ruby webserver interface;TU:Gem::Requirement[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TI" ruby;F[ o:Gem::Dependency : @nameI" bacon;T:@requirementU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T: @type:development:@prereleaseF:@version_requirements@!o; ; I" rake;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@+o; ; I" fcgi;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@5o; ; I"memcache-client;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@?o; ; I" mongrel;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"1.2.0.pre2;T; ; ;F;@Io; ; I" thin;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@SI" rack;TI"chneukirchen@gmail.com;T[I"Christian Neukirchen;TI"YRack provides minimal, modular and adaptable interface for developing web applications in Ruby. By wrapping HTTP requests and responses in the simplest way possible, it unifies and distills the API for web servers, web frameworks, and software in between (the so-called middleware) into a single method call. Also see http://rack.github.com/. ;TI"http://rack.github.com/;TT@[I"rack-1.2.4;Tu;k[I" 1.8.10:ETiI" rack;TU:Gem::Version[I" 1.2.4;Tu: Time I"'a modular Ruby webserver interface;TU:Gem::Requirement[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TI" ruby;F[ o:Gem::Dependency : @nameI" bacon;T:@requirementU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T: @type:development:@prereleaseF:@version_requirements@!o; ; I" rake;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@+o; ; I" fcgi;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@5o; ; I"memcache-client;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@?o; ; I" mongrel;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@Io; ; I" thin;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@SI" rack;TI"chneukirchen@gmail.com;T[I"Christian Neukirchen;TI"[Rack provides minimal, modular and adaptable interface for developing web applications in Ruby. By wrapping HTTP requests and responses in the simplest way possible, it unifies and distills the API for web servers, web frameworks, and software in between (the so-called middleware) into a single method call. Also see http://rack.rubyforge.org. ;TI"http://rack.rubyforge.org;TT@[I"rack-1.4.0;Tu;{[I" 1.8.12:ETiI" rack;TU:Gem::Version[I" 1.4.0;Tu: Time I"'a modular Ruby webserver interface;TU:Gem::Requirement[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TI" ruby;F[ o:Gem::Dependency : @nameI" bacon;T:@requirementU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T: @type:development:@prereleaseF:@version_requirements@!o; ; I" rake;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@+o; ; I"ruby-fcgi;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@5o; ; I"memcache-client;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@?o; ; I" mongrel;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"1.2.0.pre2;T; ; ;F;@Io; ; I" thin;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@SI" rack;TI"chneukirchen@gmail.com;T[I"Christian Neukirchen;TI"]Rack provides a minimal, modular and adaptable interface for developing web applications in Ruby. By wrapping HTTP requests and responses in the simplest way possible, it unifies and distills the API for web servers, web frameworks, and software in between (the so-called middleware) into a single method call. Also see http://rack.rubyforge.org. ;TI"http://rack.rubyforge.org;TT@[I"rack-1.2.8;Tu;k[I" 1.8.24:ETiI" rack;TU:Gem::Version[I" 1.2.8;Tu: Time EI"'a modular Ruby webserver interface;TU:Gem::Requirement[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TI" ruby;F[ o:Gem::Dependency : @nameI" bacon;T:@requirementU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T: @type:development:@prereleaseF:@version_requirements@!o; ; I" rake;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@+o; ; I" fcgi;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@5o; ; I"memcache-client;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@?o; ; I" mongrel;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@Io; ; I" thin;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@SI" rack;TI"chneukirchen@gmail.com;T[I"Christian Neukirchen;TI"[Rack provides minimal, modular and adaptable interface for developing web applications in Ruby. By wrapping HTTP requests and responses in the simplest way possible, it unifies and distills the API for web servers, web frameworks, and software in between (the so-called middleware) into a single method call. Also see http://rack.rubyforge.org. ;TI"http://rack.rubyforge.org;TT@[I"bacon-1.2.0;Tu;[I" 1.8.23:ETiI" bacon;TU:Gem::Version[I" 1.2.0;Tu: Time .I"a small RSpec clone;TU:Gem::Requirement[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TI" ruby;F[0I"chneukirchen@gmail.com;T[I"Christian Neukirchen;TI"Bacon is a small RSpec clone weighing less than 350 LoC but nevertheless providing all essential features. http://github.com/chneukirchen/bacon ;TI")http://github.com/chneukirchen/bacon;TT@[I"test-spec-0.4.0;Tu;:[I""test-spec;TU:Gem::Version[I" 0.4.0;Tu: Time I"test/spec layers an RSpec-inspired interface on top of Test::Unit, so you can mix TDD and BDD (Behavior-Driven Development). test/spec is a clean-room implementation that maps most kinds of Test::Unit assertions to a `should'-like syntax.;TU:Gem::Requirement[[[I">;TU;[I" 0.0.0;T0I" ruby;F[I"test-spec;TI"chneukirchen@gmail.com;T[I"Christian Neukirchen;TI";TU;[I" 0.0.0;T0I" ruby;F[o:Gem::Dependency: @nameI" flexmock;T:@version_requirementsU;[[[I">=;TU;[I" 0.4.1;T:@version_requirement0o; ; I" mocha;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I" 0.3.2;T; 0I"test-spec;TI"chneukirchen@gmail.com;T[I"Christian Neukirchen;TI"=;TU;[I"0;TU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TI" ruby;F[ o:Gem::Dependency : @nameI" bacon;T:@requirementU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T: @type:development:@prereleaseF:@version_requirements@!o; ; I" rake;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@+o; ; I" fcgi;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@5o; ; I"memcache-client;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@?o; ; I" mongrel;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@Io; ; I" thin;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@SI" rack;TI"chneukirchen@gmail.com;T[I"Christian Neukirchen;TI"[Rack provides minimal, modular and adaptable interface for developing web applications in Ruby. By wrapping HTTP requests and responses in the simplest way possible, it unifies and distills the API for web servers, web frameworks, and software in between (the so-called middleware) into a single method call. Also see http://rack.rubyforge.org. ;TI"http://rack.rubyforge.org;TT@[I"rack-1.1.5;Tu;[I" 1.8.24:ETiI" rack;TU:Gem::Version[I" 1.1.5;Tu: Time AI"'a modular Ruby webserver interface;TU:Gem::Requirement[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TI" ruby;F[ o:Gem::Dependency : @nameI"test-spec;T:@requirementU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T: @type:development:@prereleaseF:@version_requirements@!o; ; I"activesupport;T; U;[[[I"<;TU;[I"2;T; ; ;F;@+o; ; I" camping;T; U;[[[I"<;TU;[I"1.6;T; ; ;F;@5o; ; I" fcgi;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@?o; ; I"memcache-client;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@Io; ; I" mongrel;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@So; ; I" thin;T; U;[[[I"<;TU;[I"1.2;T; ; ;F;@]I" rack;TI"chneukirchen@gmail.com;T[I"Christian Neukirchen;TI"[Rack provides minimal, modular and adaptable interface for developing web applications in Ruby. By wrapping HTTP requests and responses in the simplest way possible, it unifies and distills the API for web servers, web frameworks, and software in between (the so-called middleware) into a single method call. Also see http://rack.rubyforge.org. ;TI"http://rack.rubyforge.org;TT@[I"rack-0.0.87;Tu;[I"" rack;TU:Gem::Version[I" 0.0.87;Tu: Time `I"'a modular Ruby webserver interface;TU:Gem::Requirement[[[I">;TU;[I" 0.0.0;T0I" ruby;F[I" rack;TI"chneukirchen@gmail.com;T[I"Christian Neukirchen;TI"ZRack provides minimal, modular and adaptable interface for developing web applications in Ruby. By wrapping HTTP requests and responses in the simplest way possible, it unifies and distills the API for web servers, web frameworks, and software in between (the so-called middleware) into a single method call. Also see http://rack.rubyforge.org.;TI"http://rack.rubyforge.org;TT@0I"rack-1.2.7;Tu;k[I" 1.8.24:ETiI" rack;TU:Gem::Version[I" 1.2.7;Tu: Time AI"'a modular Ruby webserver interface;TU:Gem::Requirement[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TI" ruby;F[ o:Gem::Dependency : @nameI" bacon;T:@requirementU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T: @type:development:@prereleaseF:@version_requirements@!o; ; I" rake;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@+o; ; I" fcgi;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@5o; ; I"memcache-client;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@?o; ; I" mongrel;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@Io; ; I" thin;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@SI" rack;TI"chneukirchen@gmail.com;T[I"Christian Neukirchen;TI"[Rack provides minimal, modular and adaptable interface for developing web applications in Ruby. By wrapping HTTP requests and responses in the simplest way possible, it unifies and distills the API for web servers, web frameworks, and software in between (the so-called middleware) into a single method call. Also see http://rack.rubyforge.org. ;TI"http://rack.rubyforge.org;TT@[I"rack-0.9.0;Tu;[I" 1.3.1:ETiI" rack;TU:Gem::Version[I" 0.9.0;Tu: Time @I"'a modular Ruby webserver interface;TU:Gem::Requirement[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TI" ruby;F[ o:Gem::Dependency : @nameI"test-spec;T: @type:development:@version_requirementsU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T:@version_requirement0o; ; I" camping;T; ; ; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T;0o; ; I" fcgi;T; ; ; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T;0o; ; I"memcache-client;T; ; ; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T;0o; ; I" mongrel;T; ; ; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T;0o; ; I"ruby-openid;T; ; ; U;[[[I"~>;TU;[I" 2.0.0;T;0o; ; I" thin;T; ; ; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T;0I" rack;TI"chneukirchen@gmail.com;T[I"Christian Neukirchen;TI"ZRack provides minimal, modular and adaptable interface for developing web applications in Ruby. By wrapping HTTP requests and responses in the simplest way possible, it unifies and distills the API for web servers, web frameworks, and software in between (the so-called middleware) into a single method call. Also see http://rack.rubyforge.org.;TI"http://rack.rubyforge.org;TT@0I"rack-1.1.3;Tu;[I" 1.8.12:ETiI" rack;TU:Gem::Version[I" 1.1.3;Tu: Time I"'a modular Ruby webserver interface;TU:Gem::Requirement[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TI" ruby;F[ o:Gem::Dependency : @nameI"test-spec;T:@requirementU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T: @type:development:@prereleaseF:@version_requirements@!o; ; I"activesupport;T; U;[[[I"<;TU;[I"2;T; ; ;F;@+o; ; I" camping;T; U;[[[I"<;TU;[I"1.6;T; ; ;F;@5o; ; I" fcgi;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@?o; ; I"memcache-client;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@Io; ; I" mongrel;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@So; ; I" thin;T; U;[[[I"<;TU;[I"1.2;T; ; ;F;@]I" rack;TI"chneukirchen@gmail.com;T[I"Christian Neukirchen;TI"[Rack provides minimal, modular and adaptable interface for developing web applications in Ruby. By wrapping HTTP requests and responses in the simplest way possible, it unifies and distills the API for web servers, web frameworks, and software in between (the so-called middleware) into a single method call. Also see http://rack.rubyforge.org. ;TI"http://rack.rubyforge.org;TT@[I"test-spec-0.2.11;Tu;[I""test-spec;TU:Gem::Version[I" 0.2.11;Tu: Time I"test/spec layers an RSpec-inspired interface on top of Test::Unit, so you can mix TDD and BDD (Behavior-Driven Development). test/spec is a clean-room implementation that maps most kinds of Test::Unit assertions to a `should'-like syntax.;TU:Gem::Requirement[[[I">;TU;[I" 0.0.0;T0I" ruby;F[o:Gem::Dependency: @nameI" flexmock;T:@version_requirementsU;[[[I">=;TU;[I" 0.4.1;T:@version_requirement0o; ; I" mocha;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I" 0.3.2;T; 0I"test-spec;TI"chneukirchen@gmail.com;T[I"Christian Neukirchen;TI";TU;[I" 0.0.0;T0I" ruby;F[0I"chneukirchen@gmail.com;T[I"Christian Neukirchen;TI"Bacon is a small RSpec clone weighing less than 300 LoC but nevertheless providing all essential features. http://chneukirchen.org/repos/bacon;TI"(http://chneukirchen.org/repos/bacon;TT@0I"rack-0.0.86;Tu;[I"" rack;TU:Gem::Version[I" 0.0.86;Tu: Time `I";TU:Gem::Requirement[[[I">;TU;[I" 0.0.0;T0I" ruby;F[0I"chneukirchen@gmail.com;T[I"Christian Neukirchen;TI";FI"http://rack.rubyforge.org;TT@0I"rack-1.3.9;Tu;p[I" 1.8.24:ETiI" rack;TU:Gem::Version[I" 1.3.9;Tu: Time AI"'a modular Ruby webserver interface;TU:Gem::Requirement[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TI" ruby;F[ o:Gem::Dependency : @nameI" bacon;T:@requirementU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T: @type:development:@prereleaseF:@version_requirements@!o; ; I" rake;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@+o; ; I" fcgi;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@5o; ; I"memcache-client;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@?o; ; I" mongrel;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"1.2.0.pre2;T; ; ;F;@Io; ; I" thin;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@SI" rack;TI"chneukirchen@gmail.com;T[I"Christian Neukirchen;TI"YRack provides minimal, modular and adaptable interface for developing web applications in Ruby. By wrapping HTTP requests and responses in the simplest way possible, it unifies and distills the API for web servers, web frameworks, and software in between (the so-called middleware) into a single method call. Also see http://rack.github.com/. ;TI"http://rack.github.com/;TT@[I"rack-1.2.0;Tu;j[I" 1.3.6:ETiI" rack;TU:Gem::Version[I" 1.2.0;Tu: Time I"'a modular Ruby webserver interface;TU:Gem::Requirement[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TI" ruby;F[ o:Gem::Dependency : @nameI" bacon;T:@requirementU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T: @type:development:@prereleaseF:@version_requirements@!o; ; I" rake;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@+o; ; I" fcgi;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@5o; ; I"memcache-client;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@?o; ; I" mongrel;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@Io; ; I" thin;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@SI" rack;TI"chneukirchen@gmail.com;T[I"Christian Neukirchen;TI"[Rack provides minimal, modular and adaptable interface for developing web applications in Ruby. By wrapping HTTP requests and responses in the simplest way possible, it unifies and distills the API for web servers, web frameworks, and software in between (the so-called middleware) into a single method call. Also see http://rack.rubyforge.org. ;TI"http://rack.rubyforge.org;TT@[I"rack-1.1.4;Tu;[I" 1.8.24:ETiI" rack;TU:Gem::Version[I" 1.1.4;Tu: Time @I"'a modular Ruby webserver interface;TU:Gem::Requirement[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TI" ruby;F[ o:Gem::Dependency : @nameI"test-spec;T:@requirementU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T: @type:development:@prereleaseF:@version_requirements@!o; ; I"activesupport;T; U;[[[I"<;TU;[I"2;T; ; ;F;@+o; ; I" camping;T; U;[[[I"<;TU;[I"1.6;T; ; ;F;@5o; ; I" fcgi;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@?o; ; I"memcache-client;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@Io; ; I" mongrel;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@So; ; I" thin;T; U;[[[I"<;TU;[I"1.2;T; ; ;F;@]I" rack;TI"chneukirchen@gmail.com;T[I"Christian Neukirchen;TI"[Rack provides minimal, modular and adaptable interface for developing web applications in Ruby. By wrapping HTTP requests and responses in the simplest way possible, it unifies and distills the API for web servers, web frameworks, and software in between (the so-called middleware) into a single method call. Also see http://rack.rubyforge.org. ;TI"http://rack.rubyforge.org;TT@[I"rack-1.3.10;Tu;q[I" 1.8.24:ETiI" rack;TU:Gem::Version[I" 1.3.10;Tu: Time EI"'a modular Ruby webserver interface;TU:Gem::Requirement[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TI" ruby;F[ o:Gem::Dependency : @nameI" bacon;T:@requirementU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T: @type:development:@prereleaseF:@version_requirements@!o; ; I" rake;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@+o; ; I" fcgi;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@5o; ; I"memcache-client;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@?o; ; I" mongrel;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"1.2.0.pre2;T; ; ;F;@Io; ; I" thin;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@SI" rack;TI"chneukirchen@gmail.com;T[I"Christian Neukirchen;TI"YRack provides minimal, modular and adaptable interface for developing web applications in Ruby. By wrapping HTTP requests and responses in the simplest way possible, it unifies and distills the API for web servers, web frameworks, and software in between (the so-called middleware) into a single method call. Also see http://rack.github.com/. ;TI"http://rack.github.com/;TT@[I"rack-1.3.1;Tu;j[I" 1.8.5:ETiI" rack;TU:Gem::Version[I" 1.3.1;Tu: Time I"'a modular Ruby webserver interface;TU:Gem::Requirement[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TI" ruby;F[ o:Gem::Dependency : @nameI" bacon;T:@requirementU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T: @type:development:@prereleaseF:@version_requirements@!o; ; I" rake;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@+o; ; I" fcgi;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@5o; ; I"memcache-client;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@?o; ; I" mongrel;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@Io; ; I" thin;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@SI" rack;TI"chneukirchen@gmail.com;T[I"Christian Neukirchen;TI"[Rack provides minimal, modular and adaptable interface for developing web applications in Ruby. By wrapping HTTP requests and responses in the simplest way possible, it unifies and distills the API for web servers, web frameworks, and software in between (the so-called middleware) into a single method call. Also see http://rack.rubyforge.org. ;TI"http://rack.rubyforge.org;TT@[I"rack-1.5.2;Tu;q[I" 1.8.24:ETiI" rack;TU:Gem::Version[I" 1.5.2;Tu: Time EI"'a modular Ruby webserver interface;TU:Gem::Requirement[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TI" ruby;F[o:Gem::Dependency : @nameI" bacon;T:@requirementU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T: @type:development:@prereleaseF:@version_requirements@!o; ; I" rake;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@+I" rack;TI"chneukirchen@gmail.com;T[I"Christian Neukirchen;TI"[Rack provides a minimal, modular and adaptable interface for developing web applications in Ruby. By wrapping HTTP requests and responses in the simplest way possible, it unifies and distills the API for web servers, web frameworks, and software in between (the so-called middleware) into a single method call. Also see http://rack.github.com/. ;TI"http://rack.github.com/;TT@[I"MIT;TI"rack-1.4.5;Tu;w[I" 1.8.24:ETiI" rack;TU:Gem::Version[I" 1.4.5;Tu: Time EI"'a modular Ruby webserver interface;TU:Gem::Requirement[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TI" ruby;F[ o:Gem::Dependency : @nameI" bacon;T:@requirementU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T: @type:development:@prereleaseF:@version_requirements@!o; ; I" rake;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@+o; ; I"ruby-fcgi;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@5o; ; I"memcache-client;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@?o; ; I" mongrel;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"1.2.0.pre2;T; ; ;F;@Io; ; I" thin;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@SI" rack;TI"chneukirchen@gmail.com;T[I"Christian Neukirchen;TI"[Rack provides a minimal, modular and adaptable interface for developing web applications in Ruby. By wrapping HTTP requests and responses in the simplest way possible, it unifies and distills the API for web servers, web frameworks, and software in between (the so-called middleware) into a single method call. Also see http://rack.github.com/. ;TI"http://rack.github.com/;TT@[I"rack-0.4.0;Tu;[I" 1.0.1:ETiI" rack;TU:Gem::Version[I" 0.4.0;Tu: Time I"'a modular Ruby webserver interface;TU:Gem::Requirement[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TI" ruby;F[I" rack;TI"chneukirchen@gmail.com;T[I"Christian Neukirchen;TI"ZRack provides minimal, modular and adaptable interface for developing web applications in Ruby. By wrapping HTTP requests and responses in the simplest way possible, it unifies and distills the API for web servers, web frameworks, and software in between (the so-called middleware) into a single method call. Also see http://rack.rubyforge.org.;TI"http://rack.rubyforge.org;TT@0I"rack-1.4.3;Tu;w[I" 1.8.24:ETiI" rack;TU:Gem::Version[I" 1.4.3;Tu: Time @I"'a modular Ruby webserver interface;TU:Gem::Requirement[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TI" ruby;F[ o:Gem::Dependency : @nameI" bacon;T:@requirementU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T: @type:development:@prereleaseF:@version_requirements@!o; ; I" rake;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@+o; ; I"ruby-fcgi;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@5o; ; I"memcache-client;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@?o; ; I" mongrel;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"1.2.0.pre2;T; ; ;F;@Io; ; I" thin;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@SI" rack;TI"chneukirchen@gmail.com;T[I"Christian Neukirchen;TI"[Rack provides a minimal, modular and adaptable interface for developing web applications in Ruby. By wrapping HTTP requests and responses in the simplest way possible, it unifies and distills the API for web servers, web frameworks, and software in between (the so-called middleware) into a single method call. Also see http://rack.github.com/. ;TI"http://rack.github.com/;TT@[I"rack-1.3.6;Tu;t[I" 1.8.12:ETiI" rack;TU:Gem::Version[I" 1.3.6;Tu: Time I"'a modular Ruby webserver interface;TU:Gem::Requirement[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TI" ruby;F[ o:Gem::Dependency : @nameI" bacon;T:@requirementU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T: @type:development:@prereleaseF:@version_requirements@!o; ; I" rake;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@+o; ; I" fcgi;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@5o; ; I"memcache-client;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@?o; ; I" mongrel;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"1.2.0.pre2;T; ; ;F;@Io; ; I" thin;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@SI" rack;TI"chneukirchen@gmail.com;T[I"Christian Neukirchen;TI"[Rack provides minimal, modular and adaptable interface for developing web applications in Ruby. By wrapping HTTP requests and responses in the simplest way possible, it unifies and distills the API for web servers, web frameworks, and software in between (the so-called middleware) into a single method call. Also see http://rack.rubyforge.org. ;TI"http://rack.rubyforge.org;TT@[I"rack-1.2.6;Tu;k[I" 1.8.24:ETiI" rack;TU:Gem::Version[I" 1.2.6;Tu: Time @I"'a modular Ruby webserver interface;TU:Gem::Requirement[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TI" ruby;F[ o:Gem::Dependency : @nameI" bacon;T:@requirementU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T: @type:development:@prereleaseF:@version_requirements@!o; ; I" rake;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@+o; ; I" fcgi;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@5o; ; I"memcache-client;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@?o; ; I" mongrel;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@Io; ; I" thin;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@SI" rack;TI"chneukirchen@gmail.com;T[I"Christian Neukirchen;TI"[Rack provides minimal, modular and adaptable interface for developing web applications in Ruby. By wrapping HTTP requests and responses in the simplest way possible, it unifies and distills the API for web servers, web frameworks, and software in between (the so-called middleware) into a single method call. Also see http://rack.rubyforge.org. ;TI"http://rack.rubyforge.org;TT@[I"rack-1.0.0;Tu;[I" 1.3.1:ETiI" rack;TU:Gem::Version[I" 1.0.0;Tu: Time OI"'a modular Ruby webserver interface;TU:Gem::Requirement[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TI" ruby;F[ o:Gem::Dependency : @nameI"test-spec;T: @type:development:@version_requirementsU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T:@version_requirement0o; ; I" camping;T; ; ; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T;0o; ; I" fcgi;T; ; ; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T;0o; ; I"memcache-client;T; ; ; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T;0o; ; I" mongrel;T; ; ; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T;0o; ; I"ruby-openid;T; ; ; U;[[[I"~>;TU;[I" 2.0.0;T;0o; ; I" thin;T; ; ; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T;0I" rack;TI"chneukirchen@gmail.com;T[I"Christian Neukirchen;TI"ZRack provides minimal, modular and adaptable interface for developing web applications in Ruby. By wrapping HTTP requests and responses in the simplest way possible, it unifies and distills the API for web servers, web frameworks, and software in between (the so-called middleware) into a single method call. Also see http://rack.rubyforge.org.;TI"http://rack.rubyforge.org;TT@0I"rack-1.3.7;Tu;p[I" 1.8.24:ETiI" rack;TU:Gem::Version[I" 1.3.7;Tu: Time @I"'a modular Ruby webserver interface;TU:Gem::Requirement[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TI" ruby;F[ o:Gem::Dependency : @nameI" bacon;T:@requirementU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T: @type:development:@prereleaseF:@version_requirements@!o; ; I" rake;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@+o; ; I" fcgi;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@5o; ; I"memcache-client;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@?o; ; I" mongrel;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"1.2.0.pre2;T; ; ;F;@Io; ; I" thin;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@SI" rack;TI"chneukirchen@gmail.com;T[I"Christian Neukirchen;TI"YRack provides minimal, modular and adaptable interface for developing web applications in Ruby. By wrapping HTTP requests and responses in the simplest way possible, it unifies and distills the API for web servers, web frameworks, and software in between (the so-called middleware) into a single method call. Also see http://rack.github.com/. ;TI"http://rack.github.com/;TT@[I"rack-0.3.0;Tu;[I" 0.9.4:ETiI" rack;TU:Gem::Version[I" 0.3.0;Tu: Time @I"'a modular Ruby webserver interface;TU:Gem::Requirement[[[I">;TU;[I" 0.0.0;T0I" ruby;F[I" rack;TI"chneukirchen@gmail.com;T[I"Christian Neukirchen;TI"ZRack provides minimal, modular and adaptable interface for developing web applications in Ruby. By wrapping HTTP requests and responses in the simplest way possible, it unifies and distills the API for web servers, web frameworks, and software in between (the so-called middleware) into a single method call. Also see http://rack.rubyforge.org.;TI"http://rack.rubyforge.org;TT@0I"rack-1.3.5;Tu;t[I" 1.8.11:ETiI" rack;TU:Gem::Version[I" 1.3.5;Tu: Time @I"'a modular Ruby webserver interface;TU:Gem::Requirement[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TI" ruby;F[ o:Gem::Dependency : @nameI" bacon;T:@requirementU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T: @type:development:@prereleaseF:@version_requirements@!o; ; I" rake;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@+o; ; I" fcgi;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@5o; ; I"memcache-client;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@?o; ; I" mongrel;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"1.2.0.pre2;T; ; ;F;@Io; ; I" thin;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@SI" rack;TI"chneukirchen@gmail.com;T[I"Christian Neukirchen;TI"[Rack provides minimal, modular and adaptable interface for developing web applications in Ruby. By wrapping HTTP requests and responses in the simplest way possible, it unifies and distills the API for web servers, web frameworks, and software in between (the so-called middleware) into a single method call. Also see http://rack.rubyforge.org. ;TI"http://rack.rubyforge.org;TT@[I"test-spec-0.9.0;Tu;S[I" 1.0.1:ETiI"test-spec;TU:Gem::Version[I" 0.9.0;Tu: Time @I"=;TU;[I"0;TU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TI" ruby;F[I"test-spec;TI"chneukirchen@gmail.com;T[I"Christian Neukirchen;TI"test/spec layers an RSpec-inspired interface on top of Test::Unit, so you can mix TDD and BDD (Behavior-Driven Development). test/spec is a clean-room implementation that maps most kinds of Test::Unit assertions to a `should'-like syntax.;TI"#http://test-spec.rubyforge.org;TT@0I"rack-0.1.0;Tu;[I"" rack;TU:Gem::Version[I" 0.1.0;Tu: Time `I"'a modular Ruby webserver interface;TU:Gem::Requirement[[[I">;TU;[I" 0.0.0;T0I" ruby;F[I" rack;TI"chneukirchen@gmail.com;T[I"Christian Neukirchen;TI"ZRack provides minimal, modular and adaptable interface for developing web applications in Ruby. By wrapping HTTP requests and responses in the simplest way possible, it unifies and distills the API for web servers, web frameworks, and software in between (the so-called middleware) into a single method call. Also see http://rack.rubyforge.org.;TI"http://rack.rubyforge.org;TT@0I"rack-1.2.1;Tu;j[I" 1.3.6:ETiI" rack;TU:Gem::Version[I" 1.2.1;Tu: Time I"'a modular Ruby webserver interface;TU:Gem::Requirement[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TI" ruby;F[ o:Gem::Dependency : @nameI" bacon;T:@requirementU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T: @type:development:@prereleaseF:@version_requirements@!o; ; I" rake;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@+o; ; I" fcgi;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@5o; ; I"memcache-client;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@?o; ; I" mongrel;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@Io; ; I" thin;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@SI" rack;TI"chneukirchen@gmail.com;T[I"Christian Neukirchen;TI"[Rack provides minimal, modular and adaptable interface for developing web applications in Ruby. By wrapping HTTP requests and responses in the simplest way possible, it unifies and distills the API for web servers, web frameworks, and software in between (the so-called middleware) into a single method call. Also see http://rack.rubyforge.org. ;TI"http://rack.rubyforge.org;TT@[I"rack-1.3.0;Tu;j[I" 1.5.2:ETiI" rack;TU:Gem::Version[I" 1.3.0;Tu: Time I"'a modular Ruby webserver interface;TU:Gem::Requirement[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TI" ruby;F[ o:Gem::Dependency : @nameI" bacon;T:@requirementU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T: @type:development:@prereleaseF:@version_requirements@!o; ; I" rake;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@+o; ; I" fcgi;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@5o; ; I"memcache-client;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@?o; ; I" mongrel;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@Io; ; I" thin;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@SI" rack;TI"chneukirchen@gmail.com;T[I"Christian Neukirchen;TI"[Rack provides minimal, modular and adaptable interface for developing web applications in Ruby. By wrapping HTTP requests and responses in the simplest way possible, it unifies and distills the API for web servers, web frameworks, and software in between (the so-called middleware) into a single method call. Also see http://rack.rubyforge.org. ;TI"http://rack.rubyforge.org;TT@[I"rack-1.4.4;Tu;w[I" 1.8.24:ETiI" rack;TU:Gem::Version[I" 1.4.4;Tu: Time AI"'a modular Ruby webserver interface;TU:Gem::Requirement[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TI" ruby;F[ o:Gem::Dependency : @nameI" bacon;T:@requirementU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T: @type:development:@prereleaseF:@version_requirements@!o; ; I" rake;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@+o; ; I"ruby-fcgi;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@5o; ; I"memcache-client;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@?o; ; I" mongrel;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"1.2.0.pre2;T; ; ;F;@Io; ; I" thin;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@SI" rack;TI"chneukirchen@gmail.com;T[I"Christian Neukirchen;TI"[Rack provides a minimal, modular and adaptable interface for developing web applications in Ruby. By wrapping HTTP requests and responses in the simplest way possible, it unifies and distills the API for web servers, web frameworks, and software in between (the so-called middleware) into a single method call. Also see http://rack.github.com/. ;TI"http://rack.github.com/;TT@[I"rack-1.5.1;Tu;[I" 1.8.23:ETiI" rack;TU:Gem::Version[I" 1.5.1;Tu: Time CI"'a modular Ruby webserver interface;TU:Gem::Requirement[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TI" ruby;F[o:Gem::Dependency : @nameI" bacon;T:@requirementU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T: @type:development:@prereleaseF:@version_requirementsU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;To; ; I" rake;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TI" rack;TI"chneukirchen@gmail.com;T[I"Christian Neukirchen;TI"[Rack provides a minimal, modular and adaptable interface for developing web applications in Ruby. By wrapping HTTP requests and responses in the simplest way possible, it unifies and distills the API for web servers, web frameworks, and software in between (the so-called middleware) into a single method call. Also see http://rack.github.com/. ;TI"http://rack.github.com/;TT@[I"rack-1.3.4;Tu;t[I" 1.8.10:ETiI" rack;TU:Gem::Version[I" 1.3.4;Tu: Time I"'a modular Ruby webserver interface;TU:Gem::Requirement[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TI" ruby;F[ o:Gem::Dependency : @nameI" bacon;T:@requirementU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T: @type:development:@prereleaseF:@version_requirements@!o; ; I" rake;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@+o; ; I" fcgi;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@5o; ; I"memcache-client;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@?o; ; I" mongrel;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"1.2.0.pre2;T; ; ;F;@Io; ; I" thin;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@SI" rack;TI"chneukirchen@gmail.com;T[I"Christian Neukirchen;TI"[Rack provides minimal, modular and adaptable interface for developing web applications in Ruby. By wrapping HTTP requests and responses in the simplest way possible, it unifies and distills the API for web servers, web frameworks, and software in between (the so-called middleware) into a single method call. Also see http://rack.rubyforge.org. ;TI"http://rack.rubyforge.org;TT@[I"rack-1.1.0;Tu;V[I" 1.3.5:ETiI" rack;TU:Gem::Version[I" 1.1.0;Tu: Time I"'a modular Ruby webserver interface;TU:Gem::Requirement[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TI" ruby;F[ o:Gem::Dependency : @nameI"test-spec;T: @type:development:@version_requirementsU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T:@version_requirement0o; ; I" camping;T; ; ; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T;0o; ; I" fcgi;T; ; ; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T;0o; ; I"memcache-client;T; ; ; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T;0o; ; I" mongrel;T; ; ; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T;0o; ; I" thin;T; ; ; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T;0I" rack;TI"chneukirchen@gmail.com;T[I"Christian Neukirchen;TI"[Rack provides minimal, modular and adaptable interface for developing web applications in Ruby. By wrapping HTTP requests and responses in the simplest way possible, it unifies and distills the API for web servers, web frameworks, and software in between (the so-called middleware) into a single method call. Also see http://rack.rubyforge.org. ;TI"http://rack.rubyforge.org;TT@[I"rack-0.2.0;Tu;[I"" rack;TU:Gem::Version[I" 0.2.0;Tu: Time I"'a modular Ruby webserver interface;TU:Gem::Requirement[[[I">;TU;[I" 0.0.0;T0I" ruby;F[I" rack;TI"chneukirchen@gmail.com;T[I"Christian Neukirchen;TI"ZRack provides minimal, modular and adaptable interface for developing web applications in Ruby. By wrapping HTTP requests and responses in the simplest way possible, it unifies and distills the API for web servers, web frameworks, and software in between (the so-called middleware) into a single method call. Also see http://rack.rubyforge.org.;TI"http://rack.rubyforge.org;TT@0I"bacon-1.1.0;Tu;[I" 1.3.1:ETiI" bacon;TU:Gem::Version[I" 1.1.0;Tu: Time +I"a small RSpec clone;TU:Gem::Requirement[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TI" ruby;F[0I"chneukirchen@gmail.com;T[I"Christian Neukirchen;TI"Bacon is a small RSpec clone weighing less than 350 LoC but nevertheless providing all essential features. http://github.com/chneukirchen/bacon;TI"(http://chneukirchen.org/repos/bacon;TT@0I"rack-1.2.2;Tu;j[I" 1.3.7:ETiI" rack;TU:Gem::Version[I" 1.2.2;Tu: Time I"'a modular Ruby webserver interface;TU:Gem::Requirement[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TI" ruby;F[ o:Gem::Dependency : @nameI" bacon;T:@requirementU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T: @type:development:@prereleaseF:@version_requirements@!o; ; I" rake;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@+o; ; I" fcgi;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@5o; ; I"memcache-client;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@?o; ; I" mongrel;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@Io; ; I" thin;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;@SI" rack;TI"chneukirchen@gmail.com;T[I"Christian Neukirchen;TI"[Rack provides minimal, modular and adaptable interface for developing web applications in Ruby. By wrapping HTTP requests and responses in the simplest way possible, it unifies and distills the API for web servers, web frameworks, and software in between (the so-called middleware) into a single method call. Also see http://rack.rubyforge.org. ;TI"http://rack.rubyforge.org;TT@[I"rack-1.0.1;Tu;[I" 1.3.1:ETiI" rack;TU:Gem::Version[I" 1.0.1;Tu: Time @fI"'a modular Ruby webserver interface;TU:Gem::Requirement[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TI" ruby;F[ o:Gem::Dependency : @nameI"test-spec;T: @type:development:@version_requirementsU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T:@version_requirement0o; ; I" camping;T; ; ; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T;0o; ; I" fcgi;T; ; ; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T;0o; ; I"memcache-client;T; ; ; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T;0o; ; I" mongrel;T; ; ; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T;0o; ; I"ruby-openid;T; ; ; U;[[[I"~>;TU;[I" 2.0.0;T;0o; ; I" thin;T; ; ; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T;0I" rack;TI"chneukirchen@gmail.com;T[I"Christian Neukirchen;TI"ZRack provides minimal, modular and adaptable interface for developing web applications in Ruby. By wrapping HTTP requests and responses in the simplest way possible, it unifies and distills the API for web servers, web frameworks, and software in between (the so-called middleware) into a single method call. Also see http://rack.rubyforge.org.;TI"http://rack.rubyforge.org;TT@0I"rack-1.5.0;Tu;[I" 1.8.23:ETiI" rack;TU:Gem::Version[I" 1.5.0;Tu: Time BI"'a modular Ruby webserver interface;TU:Gem::Requirement[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TI" ruby;F[o:Gem::Dependency : @nameI" bacon;T:@requirementU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T: @type:development:@prereleaseF:@version_requirementsU;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;To; ; I" rake;T; U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;T; ; ;F;U;[[[I">=;TU;[I"0;TI" rack;TI"chneukirchen@gmail.com;T[I"Christian Neukirchen;TI"[Rack provides a minimal, modular and adaptable interface for developing web applications in Ruby. By wrapping HTTP requests and responses in the simplest way possible, it unifies and distills the API for web servers, web frameworks, and software in between (the so-called middleware) into a single method call. Also see http://rack.github.com/. ;TI"http://rack.github.com/;TT@[:@spec_dirs[