10mpd - pause mpd on suspend/hibernate
10xscreensaver-lock - lock all xscreensavers on hibernate/suspend
1t - hide cursor and last empty line in tail -f output
822par - reflow mail message, keeping headers valid
9icon - show 9menu of iconified windows for unmapping
aget [URL] - like wget, but archive the results
align CHAR - align tabular data at CHAR
b - trivial commandline browser
backclip - simple X11 clipboard manager
base - convert between bases
batt-led - change power button light depending on battery
biber2html bibfile.bib [keys...] - display bibliography entries as HTML
biber2txt bibfile.bib keys... - display bibliography entries as plain text
biberls [-v] FILE.BIB - list biblatex bibliography keys
card10-bme680-exporter - Prometheus exporter for card10 BME680 env sensor
cclock - a simple digital clock that locks screen when you click on it
cd - wrap cd as executable (for POSIX)
centermouse - center the mouse on the left-most display
chipher PATTERN [< WORDLIST] - search dictionary for words
clip2firefox - open selected text as firefox address
clip2goog - google for selected text
closetex [-v] [-a] - print the next closing LaTeX tag (or all)
cmc [-t TABSIZE] [-d DISTANCE] [-c COLUMNS] - compact lines to multiple columns
colortheme - display terminal colors
com [-n] [FILE...] - compile anything
com1 - compile anything (old version)
constantinople - quick'n'dirty byzanz(1)-like screencast tool
count - count different lines
ctr FROM TO - colored tr
cupless [-2t] [-n #] [-r FROM-TO] [-P PRINTER] PDFS... - tiny PJL printer driver
cuplesspxl [-P PRINTER] PDF - tiny PJL/PXL USB printer driver
curtab - print the currently selected Firefox tab
curtab55 - print the currently selected Firefox 55 tab
curzot - get select URL to current Zotero selection
curzotpdf - get select URL to current Zotero selection
dictcc WORD - simple dict.cc interface
diffed [-CHT] [-pN|-a|-P PREFIX] [-s SUBST -r REPL] [-x EXCLUDE] - filter for unified diffs
dirsum PATHS... - compute order-invariant hash for given files/directory
dkaomoji - dmenu based kaomoji picker
dmoji - dmenu based emoji picker
dsgrep [FILES...] - find lines with high entropy
dudel - disk usage of unlinked, but still open files
duni - dmenu based unicode picker
emails - output all email addresses
envr [PID] - print environment changes, recursively
f [FIELDS,FIELD-RANGE] - output nth fields
fdate [DATE] - print French Revolutionary Calendar date and time
finger [USER]@HOST - tiny remote finger(1) implementation
firefox-limited - start firefox with ulimit at fixed geometry
fls - a mix of find(1) and ls(1)
fp - dmenu file picker, projectwise
garp [-0i] [MATCH]... [!NOTMATCH]... - grep with multiple expressions
gcalc - command-line interface for Google calculator
gfy GOARGS... - go(1) fuck yourself
git-attic [-M] [PATH] - list deleted files of Git repositories
git-comma - like git commit, but adds unknown files automatically
git-commp [GIT-COMMIT OPTIONS...] - git commit using prepared message
git-cron-digest URL [BRANCH] - generate a digest of new commits since last run
git-diff-conflicts BRANCH - which changes block merge of BRANCH?
git-find-repos [DIRS] - list all git repos below DIRS (or current directory)
git-ltr [-r] - ls -tr for git (using commit time stamps)
git-merge-overlay BRANCHES... - merge all BRANCHES filewise, later branch wins
git-merge-pr [PRNUM][@REMOTE] [GIT-AM FLAGS...] - list or apply GitHub pull request from command-line
git-neck [-r] [COMMIT] - show commits until first branching point
git-prepare [msg...] - prepare Git commit message
git-pumm BRANCH - show conflicts of dry-run merge of BRANCH into HEAD
git-shar [FILES] - share files as git-apply compatible patches
git-signify [GIT COMMAND] - use git with signify(1)
git-tarball - export a git tag as tarball with toplevel dir and timestamp
git-trail [-r] [-t] [COMMIT] - show all branching points in Git history
goog QUERY... - search google
hewwo - have a fox edit all the text to include more nya
htmp [-d] [-f] [TMPL] [VAR=VAL...] [--] [ARG...] - shell-based htemplate engine
hyp - look up hyphenation on wiktionary
iconify - twm-style iconification, replace the current window with a button
imgur - post image to imgur.com
impibe - incrementally add messages from public-inbox V1/V2 to a Maildir
jecho - print arguments next to each other
kbd [default|us-intl|apl] - set my custom X11 keyboard layout
keep - poor man's version control, make freshly numbered copies
lsort [-r] - print lines sorted by length, then alphabetically
lstab - print all open Firefox tabs
lstab55 - print all open Firefox 55 tabs
mailcp - copy/convert mail storages using fdm(1)
manyshells - fill 1080x1920 screen with terminals
manyshells - fill 1366x786 screen with terminals
mediacrush - post image to mediacru.sh
mend [-v] [-d] [-i[.BAK]] [FILES...] - parallel in-place line editor
minbox [OTHERBOX] [N] - threaded view of unseen and flagged and N most recent
msmp "CMD" ARGS... - find a minimal set of ARGS to make shellscript CMD fail
mtros FILES... - sort -m, but reading files backwards
mupdfwrap [-p PAGE] FILE - wrap mupdf to support page jumps and reloading
mvv - quick search for Münchner Verkehrs- und Tarifverbund
myip - get current IP via whoami.akamai.net
ncping [HOSTS...] - parallel ping with UTF-8 graphs
necho - print arguments seperated by newlines
nginx-here [DIR] [PORT] - serve current directory (or DIR) on PORT (or 8080)
nmdiff BIN1 BIN2 - compare two binaries by symbol size
nssh - exec ssh with host in argv[0]
oomtop - lists processes by oom score
open - open file/url based on extension
pacclean - print all but $KEEP newest cached package files
pacsrc - get sources for an Arch package
pacverify - verify all pacman packages against installed files
pastie FILES... - paste to pastie.org
pds - parallel data substitution (doing 80% of sed 120% as well)
purple-jabber-roster [BLIST.XML] - dump Purple Jabber roster
qecho - print arguments quoted
randfile [TOPLEVEL] - print a random existing file name
randrmove [-rp] [CRTC...] - cycle windows between xrandr "screens"
range STOP | START STOP | START STOP INCREMENT - print a sequence of numbers
rmix - minimalist volume control
round [N.M] - round all decimal numbers on input to N.M digits
rubikon - an end to latin files
run-elecom - configure a ELECOM M-XT3UR trackball
run-mxergo - configure a MX Ergo trackball
run-xsecurelock - run xsecurelock(1) with right config
runN [-n N] CMD ARGS... - run up to N CMD in parallel command with ARGS
sdate - Never Ending September Date
sediff [-pSTRIP] [SEDSCRIPT] {FILES...} - generate diff from sed execution
sel - raise and focus a window by name
soak [OUTPUT] - write stdin to OUTPUT (or stdout), not clobbering OUTPUT.
spongegrep - print input if regexp matches anywhere
sprunge FILES... - paste to sprunge.us
ssh-chain - ssh via a chain of intermediary hosts
sshup HOST - wait until HOST is reachable via SSH
stealthfox - open URL in Firefox, revert focus
stee - silent tee
stem [-0] PAT SUBST... -- ... - substitute make(1)-style percent patterns
swaptop - show most swap-using processes
tab-exporter - Prometheus exporter for statistics on browser tab usage
tagvi - edit MP3/OGG/FLAC tags with a text editor
tailf - just tail -f
tarhash [--HASH] ARCHIVES... - hash files in archives without extracting
tdate [YYMMDD [HHMMSS]] - print Thelemic date
tkbuffer - buffered entry for X11, with multiline hold mode and history
tkexec - simple application launcher
tkpixel [-geometry WxH+X+Y] [DEFAULT] - display color given on stdin
tkssh - simple ssh menu
tlog [FMT] - prefix lines with current timestamp
tmux-compress - renumber tmux windows in sequence
tmux-neww-in-cwd - open a new shell with same cwd as calling pane
tmux-open-url - open last URL in current tmux pane in firefox
tmux-ssh - directly open a properly named ssh tab
total - sum up numbers in a column
totp - print a TOTP password for the Base32 secret passed on standard input
unfmt - convert paragraphs into long lines
uni PATTERN - list unicode symbols matching PATTERN
unpatch [-g] [-pN] FILES... - re-generate patch from files and their .orig copy
urls - output all urls
utter [-bBEFORE] [-aAFTER] [-sSEP] [-v] [--] STRING... - a kind of sane echo
vimdirdiff - run vim :DirDiff directly
W - open file in wily, wait until window is closed
warncc - gcc/clang wrapper with many warnings
windowbounce - shift current X11 window around
winlock - lock current window from keypresses, hacky way
wless - web page less
xlmdcheck - xlbiff script to check maildirs
xlmdscan - show overview of unread mail
xscreensaver-ssh-helper - forget SSH agent keys on blanking
yday [-a] [-d] [-n DAYS] FILES... - retrieve paths from the dump
yell - abuse xterm for popup messages
zdit - a simple non-screen-clearing editor
zecho - print arguments seperated by NUL bytes
zlibcat [FILES] - inflate/decompress raw zlib data
zombies - list all zombies and their parents to kill
zsh0 - symlink-wrapper to run functions from .zshrc as scripts
zshi - interactive zsh, but automatically execute given command