#!/usr/bin/env python2 from socket import * #@UnusedWildImport import tarfile import select import struct import sys #@Reimport import os.path #@Reimport import os import time ''' VARIABLES TO MODIFY ''' # to be compatible with the original npush/npoll you will need to send the tar-file without compression # still if we already use tar, why not use it with compression altogether ( e.g. gzip ) # we can be pretty sure that every modern os has gzip installed # add -z in the npush/npoll sources to achieve this or use a pipe #change this if you want more performance wantCompress = True TARWRITE='w|' TARREAD= 'r|' doWantBroadcast = True wantFull=False ''' END VARIABLES TO MODIFY ''' #224.'n'.'c'.'p' IPV4GROUP = '' IPV4BC = '' VERSIONSTRING="0.1" PROGRAMNAME="pyncp" PYNCPPORT=8002 MCMESSAGE="Multicasting for %s Version %s"%(PROGRAMNAME,VERSIONSTRING) BCMESSAGE="Broadcasting for %s Version %s"%(PROGRAMNAME,VERSIONSTRING) """ not really helped in that way class mainAsThread(Thread): ''' dummy class to be able to use "high level threading interface" ''' def __init__(self): Thread.__init__(self) def run(self): main() """ def main(args): ''' run pyncp directly, means user want to use direct copy ''' # we have to rewrite TARREAD and TARWRITE # to check if wantCompress changed in process global TARWRITE,TARREAD TARWRITE='w|gz' if wantCompress else 'w|' TARREAD='r|gz' if wantCompress else 'r|' # no arguments given --> listener mode if sys.argv.__len__() == 1 : server = pyncpListener() server.listen() elif sys.argv[1] == "push": try: checkFilesExist(sys.argv[2:]) except: print "one of the files does not exist..." client = pyncpPusher() client.push(sys.argv[2:]) elif sys.argv[1] == "poll" or sys.argv[1] == "pull" : # convenience feature as i always mix these two up server = pyncpListener() server.poll() elif sys.argv[1] == '--version': version() exit() elif sys.argv[1] == '--help': help() exit() #useful arguments given --> Client mode else: client = pyncpPusher() # push to given ip if sys.argv.__len__() < 3 : print "must provide an address plus at least one file to push" client.copyTo(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2:]) def bindTCP(): host = '' v4datasock = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM) v4datasock.setsockopt(SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 1) if hasattr(socket,"SO_REUSEPORT"): v4datasock.setsockopt(SOL_SOCKET,socket.SO_REUSEPORT,1) v4datasock.bind((host,PYNCPPORT)) v4datasock.listen(1) return v4datasock def closeFds(fds): ''' Tries to close fds from the given field This field should contain references to the socket objects that should be closed ''' #graceful close time.sleep(1) for fd in fds: try: fd.close() except : print "one attrubute does not support close() or is already closed" def checkFilesExist( files ): ''' Convenience function to check if all files actually exist ''' for f in files: if not os.path.exists(f): print "file",f,"does not exist. Exiting..." raise NameError('File does not exist') return def version(): print PROGRAMNAME,"(simple Client/Server) Version",VERSIONSTRING def help(): version() print "" print "Usage:" print " pyncp -- runs in listener mode, waits for connection" print " pyncp [ip] [files]+ -- sends files to ip where pyncp should run in listener mode ( no args )" print " pyncp push [files]+ -- broadcasts for clients, waits for connection" print " pyncp poll -- waits for broadcast, connects to broadcaster" ''' Simple NCP Pusher class It will create a compressed tar file and send it over a socket to a given address @author: Felix Richter ''' class pyncpPusher: ''' the pusher class ''' def __init__(self): ''' Constructor ''' def copyTo(self, ip, files): ''' Client Mode ( IP address given ) ''' print "[*] copying",files,"to ip :",ip try: sock = create_connection((ip,PYNCPPORT)) except: print "[!] cannot create connection to host, bailing out" return sockfile = sock.makefile() t = tarfile.open('',TARWRITE,sockfile) print "[#] start writing files" f = 0 if not wantFull: curr = os.getcwd() try: for f in files: ## we rewrite the filename by stripping the path from the actual file name ## if we do not want full pathNames to be submitted if not wantFull: filePath,f = os.path.split(f) if filePath == "": filePath = '.' os.chdir(filePath) print "[*] adding:",f t.add(f) if not wantFull: os.chdir(curr) print "[#] finished" except: print "[!] failed while trying to add",f if not wantFull: os.chdir(curr) t.close() # sometimes closefds breaks the last bit of the connection, # so we just "exit(0)" to avoid this closeFds((sock,sockfile)) def push(self,files): ''' does broadcast/multicast to the network hoping that someone polls for the file and connects to the local address ''' sock = -1 address = -1 v4mcsock = self.bindMulticastSock() if not v4mcsock or doWantBroadcast: v4bcsock = self.bindBroadcastSock() if not v4mcsock and not v4bcsock: print "[!]cannot continue without at least one announcement socket!" return (1) v4datasock = bindTCP() if not v4datasock: print "[!]cannot continue without data socket" return -1 print "[*] starting X-Casting, waiting for TCP connect" while sock == -1: if v4mcsock: v4mcsock.sendto(MCMESSAGE,0,(IPV4GROUP,PYNCPPORT)) if v4bcsock: v4bcsock.sendto(BCMESSAGE,0,(IPV4BC,PYNCPPORT)) print ".", ready,output,exception = select.select([v4datasock],[],[],2) #@UnusedVariable for s in ready: ''' if s == v4mcsock: print "got connection on udp socket" (sock,address) = v4mcsock.accept() print "got : ",sock.recv(1024); sock.close() ''' if s == v4datasock: (sock,address) = v4datasock.accept() sock.settimeout(3) try: print "[*] Got connection from %s:%d"%address print "[*] Client answer: %s"%sock.recv(1024) except : pass #after received connection print "[#] pushing",files,"to ",address[0],":",address[1] closeFds((v4datasock,v4mcsock,v4bcsock)) sockfile = sock.makefile() t = tarfile.open('',TARWRITE,sockfile) tarfile.TarInfo.path print "[*] start writing files" if not wantFull: curr = os.getcwd() try: for f in files: #strip filename from path if we do not want to send files with their full file name if not wantFull: filePath,f = os.path.split(f) #strip and save again if filePath == "": filePath = '.' os.chdir(filePath) print "[*] adding:",f t.add(f) if not wantFull: os.chdir(curr) except: print "[!] failed while trying to add",f if not wantFull: os.chdir(curr) print "[*] finished" # IMPORTANT: close tar file after finished writing # otherwise the stream would be empty ... t.close() #exit(0) closeFds((sock,sockfile)) def bindMulticastSock(self): host = '' # ipv4 multicast udp stuff v4mcsock = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP) v4mcsock.setsockopt(SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 1) if hasattr(socket,"SO_REUSEPORT"): v4mcsock.setsockopt(SOL_SOCKET,socket.SO_REUSEPORT,1) v4mcsock.setsockopt(IPPROTO_IP, IP_MULTICAST_TTL, 32) v4mcsock.bind((host,PYNCPPORT)) v4mcsock.setsockopt(IPPROTO_IP,IP_MULTICAST_LOOP,1) return v4mcsock def bindBroadcastSock(self): host='' v4bcsock = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_DGRAM) v4bcsock.setsockopt(SOL_SOCKET,SO_BROADCAST,1) v4bcsock.setsockopt(SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 1) if hasattr(socket,"SO_REUSEPORT"): v4bcsock.setsockopt(SOL_SOCKET,socket.SO_REUSEPORT,1) v4bcsock.bind((host,PYNCPPORT)) return v4bcsock ''' Simple NCP Listener Class It will listen on a socket for a connection and untar the given file stream @author: Felix Richter ''' class pyncpListener: ''' the listener class ''' def __init__(self): ''' constructor ''' def listen(self): ''' Listens for a generous peer, this can also be a tar czf - FILE | nc localhost 40101 waits for a connection and then extracts the given file will wait until the socket is closed by the pusher @author: felix ''' #we create a new socket if the given socket is not yet open print "[#] Pyncp Listener: creating new connection" l = bindTCP() print "[*] waiting for connections" (sock, address) = l.accept() print "[*] connection from %s:%d"%address print "[*] receiving..." #receive the tar file and extract it sockfile = sock.makefile() t = tarfile.open('',TARREAD,sockfile) for tarinfo in t : # only extract with full paths if we actually want this tarinfo.name = tarinfo.name if wantFull else os.path.basename(tarinfo.name) print "[*]",tarinfo.name + ("/" if tarinfo.isdir() else "") try: t.extract(tarinfo) except: print "cannot extract:",tarinfo print "[#] received: " print "[#] finished" # we want the tarfile to close before all other sockets t.close() #exit(0) closeFds((sock,sockfile,l)) def poll(self): addr = -1 v4mcsock = self.joinMulticast() print "[*] waiting for something-cast" while True: try: (data,addr) = v4mcsock.recvfrom(1024) if ( addr[1] == PYNCPPORT): print "[*] found pusher at %s:%d"%addr print "[#] Anouncement :",data break else: print "[?] received garbage from %s:%d"%addr except socket.error, e: print "exception",e v4mcsock.close() sock = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,IPPROTO_TCP) sock.connect(addr) sock.send("I am ready!") #print "",sock.recv(1024) sock.setblocking(True) sockfile = sock.makefile() t = tarfile.open('',TARREAD,sockfile) print "[#] received: " for tarinfo in t : # only extract with full paths if we actually want this tarinfo.name = tarinfo.name if wantFull else os.path.basename(tarinfo.name) print "[*]",tarinfo.name + ("/" if tarinfo.isdir() else "") try: t.extract(tarinfo) except: print "cannot extract:",tarinfo print "[#] finished" t.close() #exit(0) closeFds((sock,sockfile)) def joinMulticast(self): ''' This socket will also be able to receive broadcast! ''' v4mcsock = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP) v4mcsock.setsockopt(SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 1) if hasattr(socket,"SO_REUSEPORT"): print "got SO_REUSEPORT" v4mcsock.setsockopt(SOL_SOCKET,socket.SO_REUSEPORT,1) v4mcsock.setsockopt(IPPROTO_IP, IP_MULTICAST_TTL, 32) v4mcsock.setsockopt(IPPROTO_IP, IP_MULTICAST_LOOP, 1) v4mcsock.bind(('', PYNCPPORT)) print "[#] Joining Multicast group" mreq = struct.pack("4sl", inet_aton(IPV4GROUP), INADDR_ANY) v4mcsock.setsockopt(IPPROTO_IP, IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP, mreq) return v4mcsock if __name__ == '__main__': main(None)