# .zshrc interactive configuration file for zsh # thanks to klapmuetz, caphuso, Mikachu, zshwiki.org. # first revision: 24mar2007 +chris+ # == OPTIONS setopt NO_BEEP setopt C_BASES setopt OCTAL_ZEROES setopt PRINT_EIGHT_BIT setopt SH_NULLCMD setopt AUTO_CONTINUE setopt NO_BG_NICE setopt PATH_DIRS setopt NO_NOMATCH setopt EXTENDED_GLOB disable -p '^' setopt LIST_PACKED setopt BASH_AUTO_LIST # too slow: setopt HASH_EXECUTABLES_ONLY setopt NO_AUTO_MENU setopt NO_CORRECT setopt NO_ALWAYS_LAST_PROMPT setopt NO_FLOW_CONTROL setopt AUTO_PUSHD setopt PUSHD_IGNORE_DUPS setopt PUSHD_MINUS setopt HIST_IGNORE_DUPS setopt HIST_IGNORE_SPACE setopt INC_APPEND_HISTORY setopt EXTENDED_HISTORY SAVEHIST=9000 HISTSIZE=9000 HISTFILE=~/.zsh_history LISTMAX=0 REPORTTIME=60 TIMEFMT="%J %U user %S system %P cpu %MM memory %*E total" MAILCHECK=0 # == MISC umask 002 # This needs to run before compinit installs keybindings. # 12mar2013 +chris+ bindkey -e # == PROMPT # gitpwd - print %~, limited to $NDIR segments, with inline git branch # 09feb2024 +leah+ jj support, needs jj prompt NDIRS=2 gitpwd() { local -a segs splitprefix jjdir; local gitprefix jjprefix branch segs=("${(Oas:/:)${(D)PWD}}") segs=("${(@)segs/(#b)(?(#c10))??*(?(#c5))/${(j:\u2026:)match}}") jjdir=( (../)#.jj(/N[-1]) ) if [[ $jjdir ]]; then jjdir=( "${(s:/:)jjdir}" ) branch=$(jj prompt 2>/dev/null) if (( $#jjdir > NDIRS )); then print -n "${segs[$#jjdir]}*$branch " else segs[$#jjdir]+="*$branch" fi elif gitprefix=$(git rev-parse --show-prefix 2>/dev/null); then splitprefix=("${(s:/:)gitprefix}") if ! branch=$(git symbolic-ref -q --short HEAD); then branch=$(git name-rev --name-only HEAD 2>/dev/null) [[ $branch = *\~* ]] || branch+="~0" # distinguish detached HEAD fi if (( $#splitprefix > NDIRS )); then print -n "${segs[$#splitprefix]}@$branch " else segs[$#splitprefix]+=@$branch fi fi (( $#segs == NDIRS+1 )) && [[ $segs[-1] == "" ]] && print -n / print "${(j:/:)${(@Oa)segs[1,NDIRS]}}" } # 12feb2022 +leah+ disable PROMPT_SUBST, use psvar nbsp=$'\u00A0' cnprompt6() { case "$TERM" in xterm*|rxvt*|alacritty*) precmd_t() { [[ -t 1 ]] && print -Pn "\e]0;%m${TDIR:+ [$TDIR:h:t]}: %~\a" } preexec() { [[ -t 1 ]] && print -n "\e]0;$HOST: ${(q)2//[$'\t\n\r']/ }\a" } esac precmd_psvar() { psvar=( "$(gitpwd)" ) } PS1="%B%m${TDIR:+ [$TDIR:h:t]}%(?.. %??)%(1j. %j&.)%b %v%B%(!.%F{red}.%F{yellow})%#${SSH_CONNECTION:+%#}$nbsp%b%f" RPROMPT='' } cnprompt6 # == COMPLETION zmodload zsh/complist autoload -Uz compinit && compinit zstyle ':completion:*' squeeze-slashes true zstyle ':completion:*' special-dirs .. zstyle ':completion:*' accept-exact-dirs true zstyle ':completion:*' use-ip true zstyle ':completion::*' insert-tab true zstyle ':completion::complete:*' use-cache on zstyle ':completion::complete:*' rehash true zstyle ':completion:*:functions' ignored-patterns '_*' zstyle ':completion:*:*:*:*:processes*' force-list always zstyle ':completion:*:*:kill:*:processes' insert-ids single zstyle ':completion:*:*:kill:*:processes' sort false zstyle ':completion:*:*:kill:*:processes' command 'ps -u "$USER"' zstyle ':completion:*:processes-names' command "ps -eo cmd= | sed 's:\([^ ]*\).*:\1:;s:\(/[^ ]*/\)::;/^\[/d'" zstyle ':completion:*:evince::' \ file-patterns '*.(#i)(dvi|djvu|tiff|pdf|ps|xps)(|.bz2|.gz|.xz|.z) *(-/)' '*' compdef pkill=killall compdef ping6=ping compdef _gnu_generic emacs emacsclient file compdef _precommand rlwrap # Don't complete the same twice for kill/diff. # 25nov2010 +chris+ zstyle ':completion:*:(kill|diff):*' ignore-line yes # Don't complete from PATH for sh and rc. # 27mar2018 +leah+ zstyle ':completion:*:(sh|rc):*' tag-order '! commands builtins' - # Don't complete backup files as commands, # nor xbuild (instead complete to xbuildbarf). # 29sep2012 +chris+ # 03nov2021 +leah+ zstyle ':completion:*:complete:-command-::*' ignored-patterns '*~' 'xbuild' # Don't complete .pdf for less. # 09apr2018 +leah+ zstyle ':completion:*:less:*' file-patterns '*~*.pdf' # Lax completion for cd # 23feb2019 +leah+ # 01mar2019 +leah+ fix uppercase completion # 03mar2019 +leah+ use explicit tag-order zstyle ':completion:*:cd:*' tag-order '*' '*:-case' zstyle ':completion:*-case' matcher 'm:{a-zA-Z0-9}={A-Za-z0-9}' 'l:|=* r:|=*' # Cycle through history completion (M-/, M-,). # 12mar2013 +chris+ zstyle ':completion:history-words:*:history-words' stop yes zstyle ':completion:history-words:*:history-words' list no zstyle ':completion:history-words:*' remove-all-dups yes # == ZLE # Emacs keybindings have been set above. # Disable bracketed paste. # 31aug2015 +chris+ unset zle_bracketed_paste # This is even better than copy-prev-shell-word, can be called repeatedly. # 12mar2013 +chris+ autoload -Uz copy-earlier-word zle -N copy-earlier-word bindkey "^[m" copy-earlier-word # Remove prompt on line paste (cf. last printed char in cnprompt6). # 09mar2013 +chris+ bindkey -s $nbsp '^u' # Shortcut for ' inside ' quoting # 14mar2016 +chris+ bindkey -s "\C-x'" \''\\'\'\' # Expand to two last commands # 09nov2017 +leah+ bindkey -s "\C-x2" '!-2\t ; !-1\t' # Standard keybindings # 07apr2011 +chris+ # 04jan2013 +chris+ page-up/down for menu-select # 14jan2016 +chris+ explicit binds for menu-select [[ -n $terminfo[khome] ]] && bindkey $terminfo[khome] beginning-of-line [[ -n $terminfo[kend] ]] && bindkey $terminfo[kend] end-of-line [[ -n $terminfo[kdch1] ]] && bindkey $terminfo[kdch1] delete-char [[ -n $terminfo[kpp] ]] && bindkey $terminfo[kpp] backward-word [[ -n $terminfo[knp] ]] && bindkey $terminfo[knp] forward-word [[ -n $terminfo[kpp] ]] && bindkey -M menuselect $terminfo[kpp] backward-word [[ -n $terminfo[knp] ]] && bindkey -M menuselect $terminfo[knp] forward-word # Move by physical lines, like gj/gk in vim # 09apr2013 +chris+ _physical_up_line() { zle backward-char -n $COLUMNS } _physical_down_line() { zle forward-char -n $COLUMNS } zle -N physical-up-line _physical_up_line zle -N physical-down-line _physical_down_line bindkey "\e\e[A" physical-up-line bindkey "\e\e[B" physical-down-line # M-DEL should stop at /. # 25mar2007 +chris+ # 28feb2011 +chris+ WORDCHARS="*?_-.[]~&;$%^+" # backward-kill-default-word (with $WORDCHARS from zsh -f and :) # 26jun2012 +chris+ _backward_kill_default_word() { WORDCHARS='*?_-.[]~=/&:;!#$%^(){}<>' zle backward-kill-word } zle -N backward-kill-default-word _backward_kill_default_word bindkey '\e=' backward-kill-default-word # = is next to backspace # transpose-words acts on shell words # 03mar2014 +chris+ autoload -Uz transpose-words-match zstyle ':zle:transpose-words' word-style shell zle -N transpose-words transpose-words-match # History search with globs. # 21sep2011 +chris+ # 05jun2012 +chris+ and keeping the rest of the line # 22apr2016 +chris+ space for * autoload -Uz narrow-to-region _history-incremental-preserving-pattern-search-backward() { local state MARK=CURSOR # magick, else multiple ^R don't work narrow-to-region -p "$LBUFFER${BUFFER:+>>}" -P "${BUFFER:+<<}$RBUFFER" -S state zle end-of-history zle history-incremental-pattern-search-backward narrow-to-region -R state } zle -N _history-incremental-preserving-pattern-search-backward bindkey "^R" _history-incremental-preserving-pattern-search-backward bindkey -M isearch "^R" history-incremental-pattern-search-backward bindkey -M isearch -s ' ' '*' bindkey -M isearch -s ' ' '[[:blank:]]' bindkey "^S" history-incremental-pattern-search-forward # Quote stuff that looks like URLs automatically. # 19jul2008 +chris+ # 02dec2014 +chris+ autoload -U url-quote-magic zstyle ':urlglobber' url-other-schema ftp git gopher http https magnet zstyle ':url-quote-magic:*' url-metas '*?[]^(|)~#=' # dropped { } zle -N self-insert url-quote-magic # Edit command line with $VISUAL. # 26jul2010 +chris+ autoload -z edit-command-line zle -N edit-command-line bindkey "^X^E" edit-command-line # Force file name completion on C-x TAB, Shift-TAB. # 23dec2010 +chris+ # 28may2016 +chris+ also complete words already on the command line autoload -Uz match-words-by-style _args() { local -a ign match-words-by-style [[ -z "$matched_words[3]" ]] && ign=("$matched_words[2]$matched_words[5]") compadd -F ign -- ${(Q)${(z)BUFFER}} } zle -C complete-files complete-word _generic zstyle ':completion:complete-files:*' completer _files _args zstyle ':completion:complete-files:*' force-list always bindkey "^X^I" complete-files bindkey "^[[Z" complete-files # Force menu on C-f. # 29dec2010 +chris+ # 21sep2011 +chris+ # 04jan2013 +chris+ rewritten using menu-select zle -C complete-menu menu-select _generic _complete_menu() { setopt localoptions alwayslastprompt zle complete-menu } zle -N _complete_menu bindkey '^F' _complete_menu bindkey -M menuselect '^F' accept-and-infer-next-history bindkey -M menuselect '/' accept-and-infer-next-history bindkey -M menuselect '^?' undo bindkey -M menuselect ' ' accept-and-hold bindkey -M menuselect '*' history-incremental-search-forward # Use skim(1) for menu completion. # 12jan2020 +leah+ # 19feb2020 +leah+ fix with empty prefix # 03may2022 +leah+ fix with tilde # 18oct2023 +leah+ ignore *~ files _complete_skim() { local wds=( ${(z)LBUFFER} ) [[ $LBUFFER[-1] = ' ' ]] && wds+=( "" ) local matches=(${(f)"$(\lr -HW -t 'name !~~ "*~"' ${~wds[-1]}* 2>/dev/null | sk --multi --reverse)"}) [[ -n $matches ]] && (( $#wds[-1] )) && LBUFFER=${LBUFFER:0:-$#wds[-1]} [[ -n $matches ]] && LBUFFER+=${(@q)matches} zle reset-prompt } zle -N _complete_skim (( $+commands[sk] )) && (( $+commands[lr] )) && bindkey '^F' _complete_skim # Move to where the arguments belong. # 24dec2010 +chris+ after-first-word() { zle beginning-of-line zle forward-word } zle -N after-first-word bindkey "^X1" after-first-word # Scroll up in tmux on PageUp. # 14jan2016 +chris+ _tmux_copy_mode() { tmux copy-mode -eu } zle -N _tmux_copy_mode [[ $TMUX_PANE && -n $terminfo[kpp] ]] && bindkey $terminfo[kpp] _tmux_copy_mode # fg editor on ^Z # 27sep2011 +chris+ # 17feb2012 +chris+ foreground-vi() { fg %vi } zle -N foreground-vi bindkey '^Z' foreground-vi # Allow to recover from C-c or failed history expansion (thx Mikachu). # 26may2012 +chris+ _recover_line_or_else() { if [[ -z $BUFFER && $CONTEXT = start && $zsh_eval_context = shfunc && -n $ZLE_LINE_ABORTED && $ZLE_LINE_ABORTED != $history[$((HISTCMD-1))] ]]; then LBUFFER+=$ZLE_LINE_ABORTED unset ZLE_LINE_ABORTED else zle .$WIDGET fi } zle -N up-line-or-history _recover_line_or_else _zle_line_finish() { ZLE_LINE_ABORTED=$BUFFER } zle -N zle-line-finish _zle_line_finish # Inject mkdir call to create the dirname of the current argument. # 10mar2015 +chris+ autoload -Uz modify-current-argument _mkdir_arg() { local arg= modify-current-argument '${arg:=$ARG}' zle push-line LBUFFER=" mkdir -p $arg:h" RBUFFER= } zle -N mkdir-arg _mkdir_arg bindkey '^[M' mkdir-arg # Keep an archive of all commands typed. # Initialize using: # cat /data/dump/juno/2015<->/home/chris/.zsh_history | sort -u | grep '^:' | # gawk -F: '{print $0 >> "chris@juno-" strftime("%Y-%m-%d", $2)}' # 04sep2015 +chris+ # 02sep2016 +chris+ store directory # 01sep2019 +leah+ create dir if needed [ -d ~/.zarchive ] || mkdir -p ~/.zarchive zshaddhistory() { local words=( ${(z)1} ) local w1=$words[1] (( $+aliases[$w1] )) && w1=$aliases[$w1] if [[ -n $1 && $1 != $'\n' && $w1 != " "* ]]; then printf ': %s:%s:0;%s' ${(%):-'%D{%s}'} ${(%):-%~} "$1" >> \ ~/.zarchive/${(%):-%n@%m-'%D{%Y-%m-%d}'} fi } # za WORDS... - search .zarchive for WORDS # 04sep2015 +chris+ # 02jul2024 +leah+ sort by date stamp za() { grep -a -r -e "${(j:.*:)@}" ~/.zarchive | sed 's/[ \t]*$//' | sort -r | sort -t';' -k2 -u | sort -t'-' -k2 | sed $'s,^[^:]*/,,; s,::[^;]*;,\u00A0\u00A0,' } alias za=' za' # zd [WORDS...] - list last commands in PWD from .zarchive # 02sep2016 +chris+ # 02jul2024 +leah+ sort by date stamp zd() { grep -a -r -e :${(%):-%~}: ~/.zarchive | sed 's/[ \t]*$//' | sort -r | sort -t';' -k2 -u | sort -t'-' -k2 | awk -F: -v dir=${(%):-%~} '$4 == dir && $5 ~ /^0;/' | sed $'s,^[^:]*/,,; s,::[^;]*;,\u00A0\u00A0,' } alias zd=' zd' # == ALIASES alias -g ':L'='|& less -F' #alias -g ':R'='|& less -R' alias -g ':C'='| wc -l' (( $+commands[vdir] )) && # check for coreutils in path alias ls='LC_COLLATE=C ls -F --dereference-command-line-symlink-to-dir' || alias ls='LC_COLLATE=C ls -FG' alias mtr='mtr -t' alias ping6='ping -6' alias sort='LC_ALL=C sort' (( $+commands[vim] )) && alias vi='vim' alias texclean='rm -f *.toc *.aux *.log *.cp *.fn *.tp *.vr *.pg *.ky *.synctex.gz' alias em='emacsclient -n' alias dotf='ls .[a-zA-Z0-9_]*' alias vil='vi *(.om[1]^D)' alias cad='cat >/dev/null' alias fq=nqtail alias fssh='ssh -o Ciphers=chacha20-poly1305@openssh.com -o MACs=umac-64@openssh.com' alias fscp=${aliases[fssh]/ssh/scp} alias cssh='ssh -F /dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o PubkeyAuthentication=no' alias cscp=${aliases[cssh]/ssh/scp} alias d.='df -h . |sed 1d' alias s.='du -sh .' alias qr='qrencode -t UTF8' alias pst='ps -o tname,user,bsdtime,pid,cmd -H' alias exzsh='zsh -is eval \ zsh --version\; echo \$ZSH_PATCHLEVEL\; PS1="%#\ "' alias zat='zathura --fork' alias whatami='print gay' alias clang='clang -fno-color-diagnostics -fno-caret-diagnostics' alias clang++=${aliases[clang]/clang/clang++} alias xwc='xsel | wc -c' alias ncdu='NO_COLOR=1 ncdu' alias xxd='NO_COLOR=1 xxd' alias rg='rg --max-columns 200' alias chez='chez-scheme' (( $+commands[bsdtar] )) && alias tar=bsdtar for cmd (coqtop ocaml MathKernel maxima bb pc ngn-k k q ${(Mk)commands:#k[67-]*}) (( $+commands[$cmd] )) && alias $cmd="rlwrap $cmd" autoload zmv alias zzmv='noglob zmv -W' # 29feb2008 +chris+ # 13apr2010 +chris+ allow completion # 18dec2012 +chris+ set work tree too alias homegit="GIT_DIR=~/prj/dotfiles/.git GIT_WORK_TREE=~ git" hash -d mess=~/mess/current hash -d uni=~/uni/current hash -d phd=~/phd/current hash -d wwwtmp=chneukirchen.org:/srv/http/chneukirchen.org/tmp # e.g: echo *($SHUF) (NB: slightly biased shuffle) SHUF='oe|REPLY=${(l:5::0:)RANDOM}${(l:5::0:)RANDOM}${(l:5::0:)RANDOM}|' # == FUNCTIONS # j -- search jobs # 15oct2017 +leah+ convert from alias j() { jobs -l | grep ${@:-.} || echo no jobs running } # mess -- switch to current mess folder, creating it if needed # 17may2008 +chris+ mess phd () { set +e DIR=~/$0/$(date +%G/%V) [[ -d $DIR ]] || { mkdir -p $DIR ln -sfn $DIR ~/$0/current echo "Created $DIR." } cd ~/$0/current } # preserve cd - # 21feb2011 +chris+ # 12feb2012 +chris+ save full dirstack, adopted from grml # 02feb2013 +chris+ only add $PWD to file, better for multiple shells DIRSTACKSIZE=9 DIRSTACKFILE=~/.zdirs touch $DIRSTACKFILE if [[ $#dirstack -eq 0 ]]; then dirstack=( ${(f)"$(< $DIRSTACKFILE)"} ) [[ -d $dirstack[1] ]] && cd $dirstack[1] && cd $OLDPWD fi chpwd_dirstack() { local -a dirs; dirs=( "$PWD" ${(f)"$(< $DIRSTACKFILE)"} ) print -l ${${(u)dirs}[0,$DIRSTACKSIZE]} >$DIRSTACKFILE } # translate -- grep de-en dictionary # 22feb2010 +chris+ translate() { grep -i -w -e $1 ~/.translate.de-en } # mkcd -- mkdir and cd at once # 16may2010 +chris+ # 12feb2012 +chris+ # 24jun2014 +chris+ mkcd it is # 01may2020 +leah+ remove compdef mkcd=mkdir, it calls with --help! mkcd() { mkdir -p -- "$1" && cd -- "$1" } _mkcd() { _path_files -/ } compdef _mkcd mkcd # img -- display given or all images with the currently preferred viewer # 01jun2010 +chris+ # 01apr2013 +chris+ back to feh # 15sep2013 +chris+ back to qiv # 30aug2017 +chris+ try pqiv # img() { qiv -ftuNRi ${*:-.} } img() { pqiv -flni ${*:-.} } # h -- grep history # 08mar2011 +chris+ # 14mar2011 +chris+ # 08dec2011 +chris+ # 19mar2014 +chris+ work without argument h() { fc -l 0 -1 | sed -n "/${1:-.}/s/^ */!/p" | tail -n ${2:-10} } alias h=' h' # sucdo -- su -c like sudo without quotes # 21mar2011 +chris+ # 29mar2016 +chris+ proper quoting sucdo() { su -c "${(j: :)${(q)@}}" } compdef sucdo=sudo # zman -- easier browsing of zsh manpage # 20sep2011 +chris+ # 16mar2015 +chris+ mdocml splits on any space in $PAGER zman() { PAGER="less -g -s +/^\s{7}$1" man zshall } # g -- call grep recursively with useful defaults # 02oct2011 +chris+ # 10jan2012 +chris+ take an directory as possible last argument # 28nov2012 +chris+ use grep -r # 15dec2013 +chris+ use LC_ALL=C for speed and UTF-8 segfaults with -P # 13may2015 +chris+ use directory only when more than two arguments # 22feb2016 +chris+ line-buffered to quicker pipes # 14aug2016 +chris+ same for git-grep # 27sep2016 +chris+ '+ext' to expand to --include=*.ext # 16nov2020 +leah+ use --cached by default # 25jan2022 +leah+ override GIT_PAGER=less for gg so -O works nicely g() { LC_ALL=C grep \ ${${(M)@:#+*}:s/+/--include=*./} \ --exclude "*~" --exclude "*.o" --exclude "tags" \ --exclude-dir .bzr --exclude-dir .git --exclude-dir .hg --exclude-dir .svn \ --exclude-dir CVS --exclude-dir RCS --exclude-dir _darcs \ --exclude-dir _build \ --line-buffered -r -P ${${@:#+*}:?regexp missing} } gg() { local p=$argv[-1] o= (( ARGC > 1 )) && { git rev-parse -q --verify $p >/dev/null || [ -d $p ] } && argv[-1]=() || { o='--cached'; p=; } LC_ALL=C GIT_PAGER=less git grep $o -P ${@:?regexp missing} $p } # gl -- find file names in Git # 23sep2016 +chris+ gl() { local p=$argv[-1] (( ARGC > 1 )) && { p=$p/; argv[-1]=(); } || p=':/' git ls-files --exclude-standard "$p" | egrep "${@:-.}" } # d -- use g to find a definition (start of line, Go, Ocaml, Ruby, Rust) # 07apr2014 +chris+ # 13may2015 +chris+ # 21jan2017 +leah+ ignore binary # 10feb2018 +leah+ fix #define, better output # 15aug2019 +leah+ revert output d() { g -IHn '(^|(#define|\b(func|let|let rec|class|module|def|fn))\s+)'"$@" } # l -- find file names, recursively # 20jun2012 +chris+ take a directory as possible last argument # 05dec2019 +leah+ use lr -W # 12nov2020 +leah+ use grep -a l() { local p=$argv[-1] # [[ -d $p ]] && { argv[-1]=(); } || p='.' # find $p ! -type d | sed 's:^\./::' | egrep "${@:-.}" [[ -d $p ]] && { argv[-1]=(); } || p='' \lr -W -t 'type != d' $p | egrep -a "${@:-.}" } # v - vim -q from stdin # 14aug2019 +leah+ use quickfix # 15aug2019 +leah+ v() { vim --cmd "set efm=%f:%l:%c:%m,%f:%l:%m,%f:%s,%f" \ -q <(if (( $# )); then printf '%s\n' "$@"; else cat; fi) %l\n" | $=sort | $=numfmt | sed '/^[^l]/s/ -> $//; '$long' '$classify } alias lr='lr -FGHPW' # alias L='lr -FGHPl' (( $+commands[lr] )) && alias l1='lr -FGHPl1' || l1() { lr -Fl "$@" -maxdepth 1; } (( $+commands[lr] )) && lc() { lr -AFGH1s -t '!type == d || depth > 0' "$@" |git column --mode=dense --pad=2 } # lwho - utmp-free replacement for who(1) (( $+commands[lr] )) && lwho() { lr -om -t 'name =~ "[0-9][0-9]*$" && uid != 0' \ -f '%u\t%p\t%CF %CR\n' /dev/pts /dev/tty* } # svi -- edit pipe stream with vim # 24jul2015 +chris+ svi() { () { vim $1 /dev/tty && cat $1 } =(cat) } # imv -- interactive rename, using vared # 03sep2012 +chris+ # 21jul2014 +chris+ # 09dec2014 +chris+ # 24jul2019 +leah+ imv() { local src dst for src; do [[ -e $src ]] || { print -u2 "$src does not exist"; continue } dst=$src vared -f undefined-key dst [[ $src != $dst ]] && mkdir -p $dst:h && mv -n $src $dst && print -s mv -n $src:q:q $dst:q:q # save to history, thus M-. works done } # hl -- highlight regexps # 06sep2012 +chris+ hl() { egrep --color=always -e '' -e${^*} } # noq -- remove query string from filenames # 01dec2012 +chris+ noq() { for f (${@:-*\?*}) mv -nv $f ${f%%\?*} } # jkill -- kill all jobs of the current shell # 23dec2012 +chris+ jkill() { kill "$@" %${(k)^jobstates} } # k1 -- kill oldest job of the current shell # 15dec2013 +chris+ k1() { local pids=${(j:,:)${jobstates#*:*:}%=*} kill "$@" ${(f)$(ps -o pid= --sort start -p $pids)[1]} } # jpid -- map job ids to pids # 23dec2012 +chris+ jpid() { local p # $jobstates uses jobs.c:getjob() and can do %1 or %foo as well. for id; p+=(${${${jobstates[$id]}#*:*:}%=*}) print $p } # zconvert -- zmv calling convert # 05feb2013 +chris+ zconvert() { zparseopts -D n=n zmv -vf -W -p convert $n "-o ${*[1,-3]}" "$@[-2]" "$@[-1]" } alias zconvert='noglob zconvert' # px -- verbose pgrep # 17aug2016 +chris+ reformat VSZ,RSS, print elapsed # 22mar2020 +leah+ use native px if available px zpx() { # ps uwwp ${$(pgrep -d, "${(j:|:)@}"):?no matches} ps wwp ${$(pgrep -d, "${(j:|:)@}"):?no matches} \ -o pid,user:6,%cpu,%mem,vsz:10,rss:10,bsdstart,etime:12,bsdtime,args | sed '1s/ \(VSZ\|RSS\)/\1/g' | numfmt --header --field 5,6 --from-unit=1024 --to=iec --format "%5f" } (( $+commands[px] )) && unset -f px # crun -- compile and run .c program # 24oct2017 +leah+ fix for different dirs than . crun() { local cprog=$1; shift local n=$@[(i)--] ${CC:-cc} -o ${cprog%.*} $cprog $@[1,n-1] && ${${cprog%.*}:a} $@[n+1,-1] } # tracing -- run zsh function with tracing # 16mar2016 +chris+ keep return code tracing() { local f=$1; shift functions -t $f $f "$@" local r=$? functions +t $f return $r } # bins -- list all executable files in $PATH as called by basename bins() { rehash whence -p ${(kon)commands} } # up [|N|@|pat] -- go up 1, N or until basename matches pat many directories # just output directory when not used interactively, e.g. in backticks # 06sep2013 +chris+ # 11oct2017 +leah+ add completion # 13jul2021 +leah+ add @ for git root # 12oct2023 +leah+ fix @ when in git root already up() { local op=print [[ -t 1 ]] && op=cd case "$1" in '') up 1;; -*|+*) $op ~$1;; <->) $op $(printf '../%.0s' {1..$1});; @) local cdup; cdup=./$(git rev-parse --show-cdup) && $op $cdup;; *) local -a seg; seg=(${(s:/:)PWD%/*}) local n=${(j:/:)seg[1,(I)$1*]} if [[ -n $n ]]; then $op /$n else print -u2 up: could not find prefix $1 in $PWD return 1 fi esac } _up() { (( $#words > 2 )) || compadd -V segments -- ${(Oas:/:)PWD} } compdef _up up alias @='up @' # dnext/dprev -- go to next/prev directory at same level # 22dec2022 +leah+ normalize symlinks first dnext() { local d; d=( ../*(/) ) cd ${d[d[(i)../$PWD:A:t]${1:-+1}]:?no such dir} } alias dprev='dnext -1' # n -- quickest note taker # 21nov2013 +chris+ n() { [[ $# == 0 ]] && tail ~/.n || echo "$(date +'%F %R'): $*" >>~/.n } alias n=' noglob n' # allowcore -- permit coredumps # 11jan2014 +chris+ allowcore() { for pid in $(pgrep "$@"); do prlimit --core=unlimited --pid $pid done } # killcore -- kill with a coredump # 14nov2017 +leah+ killcore() { prlimit --core=unlimited --pid $1 && kill -ABRT $1 } # 1G -- limit process to 1G RAM # 01sep2017 +leah+ 1G() { time softlimit -d $((1024*1024*1024)) -r $((1024*1024*1024)) -- "$@" } # base NUM -- convert between bases # 20jul2014 +chris+ zsh function base() { setopt LOCAL_OPTIONS C_BASES OCTAL_ZEROES printf "%s = %08d %d 0%o 0x%x\n" $1 ${$(([#2] $1))#2\#} $(($1)) $(($1)) $(($1)) } # count - count different lines # 20jul2014 +chris+ zsh function count() { sort "$@" | uniq -c | sort -n } # f [FIELDS,FIELD-RANGE] - output nth fields # 16mar2015 +chris+ zsh function f() { perl -e ' my $o = shift or do {print STDERR "Usage: $0 fields,field-range\n"; exit 1;}; my @o = map { $_ > 0 ? $_-1 : $_ } map { /\d\K-/ ? $`..$'\'' : $_ } split ",", $o; while (<>) { chomp; print join(" ", (split)[@o]), "\n"; } ' -- "$@" } # necho - a kind of sane echo # 16mar2015 +chris+ zsh function # 16mar2015 +chris+ split into three functions # 18mar2015 +chris+ renamed from *utter # 25mar2016 +chris+ jecho # 20oct2017 +leah+ prefer binaries (( $+commands[necho] )) || { necho() { for a; do printf '%s\n' "$a"; done; } zecho() { for a; do printf '%s\0' "$a"; done; } qecho() { for a; do printf $'\u00bb%s\u00ab ' "$a"; done; printf '\n'; } jecho() { printf '%s' "$@"; } } # srep N STR - print a string N times # 22oct2017 +leah+ srep() { integer i=$1; while ((i--)); do printf %s $2; done } # unsplit SEP FILES... - cat with separators # 01oct2017 +leah+ unsplit() { cat $2; for a in $@[3,-1]; do printf "%s" $1; cat $a; done } # imgur - post image to imgur.com # 20jul2014 +chris+ zsh function # 01apr2016 +chris+ use api v3 imgur() { curl -H "Authorization: Client-ID 3e7a4deb7ac67da" -F image=@$1 \ https://api.imgur.com/3/upload | sed 's/.*http/http/; s/".*/\n/; s,\\/,/,g' } # keep - poor man's version control, make freshly numbered copies # 20jul2014 +chris+ # 08feb2019 +leah+ err when no arguments are given keep() { local f v [[ $# = 0 ]] && return 255 for f; do f=$f:A v=($f.<->(nOnN[1])) if [[ -n "$v" ]] && cmp $v $f >/dev/null 2>&1; then print -u2 $v not modified else cp -va $f $f.$((${${v:-.0}##*.} + 1)) fi done } # sprunge FILES... - paste to sprunge.us # 20jul2014 +chris+ zsh function # 24nov2016 +chris+ use awk sprunge() { awk -- 'ARGC>2 && FNR==1 {print "## " FILENAME} 1' "$@" | curl -sF 'sprunge=<-' http://sprunge.us | tr -d ' ' } # 0x0 FILE - paste to 0x0.st # 16dec2015 +chris+ 0x0() { curl -F "file=@${1:--}" https://0x0.st/ } # ixio FILE - paste to ix.io # 02apr2018 +leah+ ixio() { curl -F "f:1=@${1:--}" http://ix.io/ } # clbin FILE - paste to clbin.com # 25sep2019 +leah+ clbin() { curl -F "clbin=<${1:--}" https://clbin.com } # stee - silent tee # 20jul2014 +chris+ zsh function # 24jun2015 +chris+ mkdir -p the target file directories stee() { mkdir -p "$@:h" && tee "$@" >/dev/null } # total [-F] [FIELDNUM] - sum up numbers in a column # 20jul2014 +chris+ zsh function total() { local F expr "$1" : -F >/dev/null && F=$1 && shift awk $F -v f=${1:-1} '{s+=$f} END{print s}' } # uncolor - remove ANSI color escapes # 15jan2024 +leah+ uncolor() { sed "s/\x1B\[\([0-9]\{1,2\}\(;[0-9]\{1,2\}\)\?\)\?[mGK]//g" "$@" } # unfmt - convert paragraphs into long lines # 20jul2014 +chris+ zsh function # 15dec2014 +chris+ simplify unfmt() { perl -00pe 's/\s*\n\s*/ /g; s/\s*\Z/\n/;' -- "$@" } # words - print all words on separate lines # an alternative is fmt -1, but words strips whitespace # 27feb2020 +leah+ words() { perl -nE 'say for split' } # zombies - list all zombies and their parents to kill # 23jul2014 +chris+ zsh function # 23mar2024 +leah+ fix for ps not printing anymore zombies() { ps f -eo state,pid,ppid,comm | awk ' { cmds[$2] = $NF } /^Z/ { print $NF "/" $2 " zombie child of " cmds[$3] "/" $3 }' } # zpass - generate random password # 01nov2014 +chris+ # 10mar2017 +leah+ default to length 12 zpass() { LC_ALL=C tr -dc '0-9A-Za-z_@#%*,.:?!~' /dev/null && cat $1 } =(:) } # null - throw away input # 01dec2014 +chris+ null() { LC_ALL=C tr -cd '' } # absolute [FILE...] - print absolute file name/PWD # 02dec2014 +chris+ # 18oct2016 +chris+ also abspath # 18nov2016 +chris+ print hostname to tty when logged in via ssh absolute abspath () { [[ -n "$SSH_CONNECTION" ]] && [[ -t 1 ]] && local prefix="$(hostname -f):" print -l $prefix${^${@:-$PWD}:a} } # homediff FILE # 02dec2014 +chris+ # 26feb2019 +leah+ homediff() { diff -u "${1?no file given}" <(curl -sL http://leahneukirchen.org/dotfiles/$1) } # ssh-copy-term - copy terminfo via ssh # 10dec2014 +chris+ ssh-copy-term() { infocmp $TERM | ssh "$@" 't="$(mktemp)" && cat >"$t" && tic -s "$t"' } # cppdef - print predefined C macros # 09mar2015 +chris+ # 31mar2016 +chris+ use $1 as cc cppdef() { ${1:-cc} $@[2,-1] -dM -E - $# )) && argv[2]=(-- "$argv[2]") && s=2 zparseopts -D -M -A xopt n: p t P: j:=P v=t i=p # map to xargs(1) flags (( $@[(i){}] < s )) && xopt[-I]={} [[ $1 = *'$'* ]] && argv[1]=(zsh -c "$1" --) && (( s += 3 )) printf '%s\0' "$@[s+1,-1]" | xargs -0 -r -n1 ${(kv)=xopt} "$@[1,s-1]" } # gman - format manpage using GNU troff # 10apr2015 +chris+ gman() { ( man -w "$@" 2>/dev/null || printf '%s\n' "$@" ) | xargs cat | groff -t -p -I/usr/share/man -Tutf8 -mandoc | less } # myman - format manpage of own projects # 22feb2016 +chris+ # 27jul2016 +chris+ mandoc doesnt like being called from xe #myman() { locate -0 -e $HOME/*/$1.[0-9] | xe -0RN0 man -l } #myman() { man -l $(locate -e $HOME/*/$1.[0-9]) } myman() { man -l $(locate $HOME/*/$1.[0-9]) } # twoman - show inline "manpage" # 13feb2017 +leah+ twoman() { for cmd; do sed -n '1{/^[^#][^!]/q;d};0,/^$\|^[^#]/s/^# //p' ${commands[$cmd]?not found} done } # soak [OUTPUT] - write stdin to OUTPUT (or stdout), not clobbering OUTPUT. # Also don't clobber on empty input. # 03may2015 +chris+ soak() { perl -we 'undef $/; my $s = ; $ARGV[0] and $s and open(STDOUT, ">", $ARGV[0]) || die "soak: $!\n"; print $s;' -- "$@" } # inp FILE FILTER... - run FILTER in-place on FILE # 16mar2016 +chris+ inp() { () { "$@[3,-1]" <$2 >$1 && [[ -s $1 ]] && mv $1 $2 } =(:) "$@" } # sslcat HOST:PORT - print SSL certificate and details sslcat() { local cert="$(openssl s_client -connect $1 ' \ '
' curl -s --data-binary @- -H 'Content-Type: text/plain' \ https://api.github.com/markdown/raw } # mudoc - read .doc with mupdf # 07dec2016 +chris+ mudoc() { mupdf =(antiword -a a4 -m 8859-1 "$@") } # mupdf - appear as mu-pdf in cwm window list # 08aug2017 +leah+ # 09apr2018 +leah+ fix completion alias mupdf=mu-pdf compdef mu-pdf=mupdf mu-pdf() { =mupdf "$@" } # mcal [MONTH] - show calendar for this year's MONTH # 12dec2017 +leah+ start with Monday mcal() { cal -m "$@" $(date +%Y) } # padd [CMD] - allow to run CMD without being in path typeset -A padds padd() { padds[$1:t]=$1:A; rehash } rehash() { local c p; builtin rehash "$@" && for c p (${(kv)padds}) hash $c=$p } # ghtodo - convert lines into a github todo format # 09jan2016 +chris+ # 13jan2018 +leah+ ghtodo() { sed '/./s/^\(- \)\?/- [ ] /' } # ghkeys - display github keys # 23jun2017 +leah+ ghkeys() { curl https://github.com/${^@}.keys } # cdate - timestamp in my format # 09jan2016 +chris+ cdate() { print ${(L)${(%):-'%D{%d%b%Y}'}} " +$USER+" } # dottime - a universal convention for conveying time # https://dotti.me/ # 31aug2019 +leah+ dottime() { ( export TZ=GMT; print -Pn $'%D{%Y-%m-%dT%H\u00B7%M}' ) print ${${(%):-%D{%z}}%00} } # curlmini - fetch gemini with curl # 22sep2022 +leah+ curlmini() { curl -k gophers://${${1#gemini://}%%/*}:1965/0$1 | less } # cat0 - print nul-delimited data linewise # 14jun2016 +chris+ take filenames cat0() { cat "$@" | LC_ALL=C tr '\000' '\012' } # faketty - run command such that isatty() is true # 29mar2016 +chris+ faketty() { script -qfc "${(j: :)${(q)@}}" /dev/null } # notty - run command without controlling tty # 29nov2017 +leah+ notty() { s6-cat | setsid -w "$@" | s6-cat } # chop - limit lines to terminal size # 14jun2016 +chris+ chop() { cut -c-${COLUMNS:-80} } # wrap - wrap long lines using backslashes wrap() { perl -pe 's/.{'$(( ${COLUMNS:-80} - 1))'}/$&\\\n/g' -- "$@" } # meowth - a better cat -vET # 30nov2016 +chris+ meowth() { perl -CO -MEncode -pe ' $e=0; $w=4; eval { $_ = decode("UTF-8", $_, Encode::FB_CROAK) } or $w=2; s/[\x01-\x08\x0E-\x1F\x{80}-\x{FFFFFF}\x80-\xFF]/ sprintf "\x{29fc}%0${w}X\x{29fd}",ord $&/eg; 1 while s/\t/"\x{2014}" x ((length($&)*8 - length($`)%8)-1) . "\x{00BB}"/e; s/\x0c$/("\x{22EF}"x78)/eg; y/ \x00\x0b\x0c\r/\x{00B7}\x{2400}\x{240B}\x{240C}\x{240D}/; s/\n$/\x{23CE}\n/ and $e=1; END { $e or print "\x{2205}\n"} ' -- "$@" } # ud - unicode dump # 04apr2018 +leah+ ud() { uconv -x ':: [^\x0a\x20-\x7f] any-name;' "$@" } # pcat - cat with file name prefix # 29nov2017 +leah+ # 23dec2017 +leah+ detect missing trailing newlines # 07jan2023 +leah+ detect directories pcat() { perl -pe 's/^/$ARGV\t/' -- "$@" } pcat() { perl -we 'push @ARGV, "-" unless @ARGV; for $f (@ARGV) { open my $fh, "<", ($f eq "-" ? "/dev/stdin" : $f) or warn "$f: $!.\n" and next; -d $fh and warn "$f is a directory\n" and next; my $l = ""; print "$f\t", $l=$_ while (<$fh>); if ($. == 0) { warn "$f is empty\n"; } elsif ($l !~ /\n\z/) { print "\n"; warn "$f has no trailing newline\n" } }' -- "$@" } # wsort - sort words in line # 19aug2016 +chris+ wsort() { perl -nE 'say join(" ",sort(split))' "$@" } # twap - print all but first and last line twice (e.g. lr | twap | xe -N2 diff) # 11may2018 +leah+ twap() { awk 'l!=0{print l} NR>1{l=$0} 1' } # 256colors - display the 256 terminal colors # 02aug2016 +chris+ 256colors() { for i in {0..255}; do printf "\033[48;5;%dm\033[38;5;15m %03d " $i $i printf "\033[33;5;0m\033[38;5;%dm %03d " $i $i (( i+1 <= 16 ? (i+1) % 8 : ((i+1)-16) % 6 )) || printf "\033[0m\n" (( i+1 <= 16 ? (i+1) % 16 : ((i+1)-16) % 36 )) || printf "\033[0m\n" done } # debtar - output tar of .deb # 08aug2017 +leah+ debtar() { bsdtar xOf $1 'data.tar.*' } # revpatch - reverse a patch # 24may2020 +leah+ revpatch() { interdiff -q $1 /dev/null } # s - read mblaze mail from xlbiff # 23may2017 +leah+ # 02jun2017 +leah+ simplify # 22may2020 +leah+ add ,, s() { ( export MAILSEQ=$HOME/.mblaze/xlseq case "$1" in '') mscan;; ''|<->) mshow $@;; *) "$@";; esac ) } alias ,,=' mflag -S .' # ts - prepend timestamps # 24feb2020 +leah+ ts() { s6-tai64n | s6-tai64nlocal "$@" } # nu - number lines, right aligned # 21jun2024 +leah+ nu() { perl -e '$l=length(@L = <>); printf "%*d %s",$l,++$i,$_ for @L;' -- "$@" } # ipv4addrs - grep for IPv4 addresses ipv4addrs() { grep -Po '\b(?>~/.zz } zz() { awk -v ${(%):-now='%D{%s}'} <~/.zz ' function r(t,f) { age = now - t return (age<3600) ? f*4 : (age<86400) ? f*2 : (age<604800) ? f/2 : f/4 } { f[$4]+=$3; if ($2>l[$4]) l[$4]=$2 } END { for(i in f) printf("%d\t%d\t%d\t%s\n",r(l[i],f[i]),l[i],f[i],i) }' | sort -k2 -n -r | sed 9000q | sort -n -r -o ~/.zz- && mv ~/.zz- ~/.zz if (( $# )); then local p=$(awk 'NR != FNR { exit } # exit after first file argument { for (i = 3; i < ARGC; i++) if ($4 !~ ARGV[i]) next print $4; exit }' ~/.zz ~/.zz "$@") [[ $p ]] || return 1 local op=print [[ -t 1 ]] && op=cd if [[ -d ${~p} ]]; then $op ${~p} else # clean nonexisting paths and retry while read -r line; do [[ -d ${~${line#*$'\t'*$'\t'*$'\t'}} ]] && print -r $line done <~/.zz | sort -n -r -o ~/.zz- && mv ~/.zz- ~/.zz zz "$@" fi else sed 10q ~/.zz fi } alias z=' zz' # .t - a wrapper for project-specific shell configuration (t-fns) # 31mar2017 +leah+ # 03apr2017 +leah+ # 04apr2017 +leah+ # 16apr2017 +leah+ use ./.t/ # 25feb2019 +leah+ rename t to .t # 19mar2019 +leah+ set TDIR (formerly TENV) in __t # 02may2019 +leah+ fix when only rc exists __t() { TDIR=( ./(../)#.t(/N[-1]:A) ) tfns=( $TDIR/../.t/*[^~]~*/rc(N:t) ) unfunction -- $tfns 2>/dev/null [[ -n $TDIR && -n $tfns ]] && autoload -Uz -- $TDIR/$^tfns [[ -r $TDIR/../.t/rc ]] && . $TDIR/rc || : cnprompt6 # XXX move to psvar 17feb2022 +leah+ } .t() { ( if [[ -d $1 ]]; then # activate dir cd $1 && zsh -is __t elif (( $# )); then # run function __t && eval "$@" else # list functions __t && print -l -- ${(o)tfns} fi ) } _t() { _arguments -S \ ':command:{ compadd -- $(.t) || _path_files -/ || _command_names -e }' \ '*::arguments:_normal' } compdef _t .t [[ $1 == __t ]] && __t # entry-point for zsh -is __t # 25feb2019 +leah+ alias t.='exec .t .' # wat - a better and recursive which/whence # 13apr2017 +leah+ # 02jan2018 +leah+ print function code wat() { ( # constrain unalias for cmd; do if (( $+aliases[$cmd] )); then printf '%s: aliased to %s\n' $cmd $aliases[$cmd] local -a words=(${${(z)aliases[$cmd]}:#(*=*|rlwrap|noglob|command)}) unalias $cmd if [[ $words[1] == '\'* ]]; then words[1]=${words[1]#'\'} unalias $words[1] 2>/dev/null fi wat $words[1] elif (( $+functions[$cmd] )); then whence -v $cmd whence -f $cmd elif (( $+commands[$cmd] )); then wat $commands[$cmd] elif [[ -h $cmd ]]; then file $cmd wat $cmd:A elif [[ -x $cmd ]]; then file $cmd else which $cmd fi done ) } compdef wat=which # collect all chpwd_* hooks chpwd_functions=( ${(kM)functions:#chpwd?*} ) # collect all precmd_* hooks precmd_functions=( ${(kM)functions:#precmd?*} ) # == SPECIAL ENVIRONMENTS case "$TERM" in 9term|win) chpwd() { awd } ;& network|dumb) export LS_COLORS= zstyle -d ':completion:*' list-colors zstyle -d ':completion:*:default' list-colors alias ls="LC_COLLATE=C /bin/ls -F --color=never" setopt SINGLE_LINE_ZLE NO_PROMPT_CR NO_BASH_AUTO_LIST _expand_or_complete_newline() { zle expand-or-complete echo zle reset-prompt } zle -N expand-or-complete-newline _expand_or_complete_newline bindkey "^D" expand-or-complete-newline export PAGER=cat export GIT_PAGER=cat PS1="%m%(?.. %??)%(1j. %j&.) %${NDIRS:-2}~%#${SSH_CLIENT:+%#} " alias vi="TERM=xterm gvim -p" alias vim=vi alias lf="9 lc -F" esac # Interactive zsh, but automatically execute given command. # zsh -is eval $COMMAND # c.f. http://www.zsh.org/mla/users/2005/msg00599.html # 12jan2013 +chris+ if [[ $1 == eval ]]; then shift ICMD="$@" set -- zle-line-init() { BUFFER="$ICMD" zle accept-line zle -D zle-line-init } zle -N zle-line-init fi # == SITE LOCAL CONFIG [[ -e ~/.zshrc.local ]] && . ~/.zshrc.local || :