Pixel Perfect Timing Attacks with HTML5 (PDF), by Paul Stone. WJW.
On the Thoughts of Chairman Bruce, by Danny O’Brien.
How To Build a User-Level CPU Profiler, by Russ Cox.
Extensible Effects: An Alternative to Monad Transformers (PDF),
by Oleg Kiselyov, Amr Sabry, and Cameron Swords.
Unifying Structured Recursion Schemes (PDF), by
Ralf Hinze, Nicolas Wu, and Jeremy Gibbons.
STACK is a static checker that detects unstable code in C/C++ programs:
code that is unexpectedly eliminated by compiler optimizations due to
undefined behavior in the program.
lld is a new set of modular code for creating linker tools, by the
LLVM project.
Typhoeus is a Ruby library to run HTTP requests in parallel while
cleanly encapsulating handling logic.
VSTTE Competition 2013, write a verified DNS server!
kOS uses C and k. Arthur Whitney writes an OS…
Building a Chording Keyboard: Progress So Far, the Nostromo sounds
like a good starting point.
us_split, this layout is nearly identical to US-QWERTY, except there
is a two-key splitbetween the T and Y columns into which symbols from
the furthest right of each row are placed.
Marelle, test-driven system administration in SWI-Prolog.
The History of the “Boo-Dah-Ling” Sound