Sometimes, When “All the Facts are In,” It’s Worse: The UC-Davis Pepper-Spray Report, read this.
Never have so many been manipulated so much by so few.
— Aldous Huxley
20th International Obfuscated C Code Contest, winning entries from 2011 are up.
The Frank Manual (PDF), by Conor McBride. “Shall we be pure or impure? Frank is a strongly typed functional programming language answering this question ‘Yes.’”
PGFPlots, a LaTeX Package to create normal/logarithmic plots in two and three dimensions. Can be used to typeset complex tables from .csv files, too.
Scheme without special forms: a metacircular adventure
Parsing Mixfix Operators, by Nils Anders Danielsson and Ulf Norell.
Intel SSD 330 Review, probably the way to go.
Cortex-M0 emulator on ATTiny85
Making a 6 pin MSP430 value line device, WJW.
The Republia Times, recommended Flash game.