The site has been originally designed to be viewed in 800x600 or higher screen resolution. Differences in rendition of the site are minimal between IE and Firefox and rely on the way these browers handle layers.

The layout and design of the website is aiming towards two objectives. To contribute to the general objective of creating the illusion of a labyrinth environment, where the user is disorientated, and imitate the structure of a book.

To serve the latter purpose all webpages have uniform appearance like the pages of a regular book. The only differentiating element is the text. Text is implemented in the cell of a table. The preferred font is set to be Garamond, as this font family was used in published books of the 18th and 19th century and it is generally associated with print editions. The index.htm file is considered the cover of the ‘book’.

Serving the first purpose, the text has been aligned to the right to signify departure of the conventional left to right direction of reading. More importantly, the layout of the webpages consists of text blending with the background image. The background is a collage of Images that mix inseparably with each other. They have no order and no centre. Their unbalanced and random order resembles the hyperfictional network and the Borgesian labyrinth. No element has central position, the text does not dominate the background. It blends with the images and the images intrude in the text area.

The title of the webpage, the name of the author merge within the background. They do not hold any central position apart from being on the top. The background Images consist of scattered text, letters, Asian characters and geometric objects. The sum is intended to be heterogeneous. The text is treated not only as the carrier of verbal meaning but also as a visual object, typographical characters with aesthetic value.