Leah Neukirchen
blinry’s birthday barcamp 2021
dpy 720007 Display One Point
Clears the light pen status bit and
displays one point using bits 0
through 9 of of the AC to represent
the (signed) X coordinate of the
point and bits 0 through 9 of the
IO as the (signed) Y coordinate.
The third lowest nibble (bits 9-11)
encodes the intensity (brightness)
in 1's complement, where 3 is the
brightest, 0 the default intensity,
and 7 (-0) barely visible.
msq, lat ; Load AC from Test Word switches
sas msv ; Skip next instruction if C(AC) = C(Y), msv = 777777
sza i ; Skip on ZERO (+0) AC
law 2345 ; Load the AC with the number N
add 7 ; Add C(Y) to C(AC)
dac 7 ; Deposit C(AC) in Y
rcl 9s ; Rotate combined AC & IO left 9s = 777
xor 7 ; Exclusive OR C(Y) with C(AC)
dpy-i+300 ; Display One Point
jmp msq ; Take next instruction from Y
msv, 777777
HAKMEM - Artificial Intelligence Memo No. 239
HAKMEM Item 2:
ADDB 1,2
ROTC 2,-22
XOR 1,2
JRST .-4
HAKMEM Item 3 (Schroeppel):% /usr/libexec/xscreensaver/munch