Known Issues: * find'ing something 3 times, should not return three different nodeset thingis (i suppose this is not possible) * when clearing (aka deleting) the nodes in a nodeset thingi, all other nodeset thingis referencing the same search have still access to the nodes, and can therefor crash the whole thing bad * same goes for attributes, nodes, attributeset you got from some nodesets you deleted afterwards Solutions: * don't save the nodeset, save the actual nodes * register each node (attributes and elements) in an array in the rbxs_base * delete should be an operation of each node This is internal an should help garbage collecting, IT WILL NOT CHANGE THE API. Todo: * add a way to move nodes inside the document, and copy them between components * add apply_style to dom (apply xslts) - keep in touch with Ken Wronkiewicz who is interessted in this * finish pull parser * add a way to dom from strings read-only and write * create detailed documention, not only examples