# less(1) key bindings. on less <590, run lesskey(1) to compile into '~/.less'. # 11feb2015 +chris+ # 20jul2016 +chris+ add ` # 09oct2017 +leah+ add line-edit # 07jan2018 +leah+ add $ # # DOWN and j will move over EOF # Q and :cq will exit with return value 1 # [ and ] move between files # $ goes to last file. # D moves to the next line starting with "diff" or "commit" or "From " or ^L. # U in reverse. # C is the same as D, only for commit. # ` flips between the last two examined files. #command \kd forw-line-force j forw-line-force Q quit \1 :cq quit \1 [ prev-file ] next-file $ noaction ?@\n\eug D noaction j/\^diff|\^commit|\^From |\\014\n\eu C noaction j/\^commit\n\eu U noaction DNN\eu ` noaction E\#\n #line-edit ^A home ^D delete ^E end ^N down ^P up ^W word-backspace