Seven Sketches
We are currently reading “Seven Sketches in Compositionality: An Invitation to Applied Category Theory”Brendan Fong and David I Spivak, ‘Seven Sketches in Compositionality: An Invitation to Applied Category Theory’, 2018,
and I’ll write some comments here. (The numbering in the printed book is different, we refer to the arXiv PDF.)
Ch. 1: Generative Effects: Orders and Adjunctions
Adjoints of the powerset functor
Example 1.117 speaks about the adjoints of the powerset functor. Given a function between sets, we get a monotone map
that is the preimage (you may know this also as
):More about the notation.
The book now presents two adjoints to this:
given by
We can imagine say:
lower shriek
as the function that returns all that occur in the image
, and
as the function that returns all
that only occur in the image
The preimage is called a pullback in the text:
Here is the restriction of
to the subset
Closure operators
Exercise 1.119:
follows directly from the definition of an adjunction.Remember,
left adjoint to
Theorem: .
First, we show for all
: since the Galois connection yields
is monotonic, we get
; but since
, we also get
, thus
. Now applying
on both sides yields the result. □
Ch. 3: Functors, Natural Transformations, and Databases
We review the definition of a natural transformation :
Definition 3.49: Let and
be categories, and let
be functors. To specify a natural transformation
, for each object
, one specifies a morphism
in , called the
-component of
These components must satisfy the following naturality condition: for every morphism in
, the following equation must hold:
Or, as a commutative diagram:
So what happens is that a morphism is mapped to morphisms