
The caudex is generated from Markdown files using Pandoc, with a custom template inspired by Tufte CSS and the help of MathJax.

For a short time, MathJax and XyJax were used for typesetting mathematics, but now I use a Pandoc Lua plugin to run pdflatex locally and convert the output to SVG (with the help of mutool convert and svgcleaner). Compared to dvisvgm, this provides crisp lines at acceptable size.

(I would have preferred to use $\text{\KaTeX}$ to do the job, but it provides no good way to typeset categorical diagrams, and neither supports alternate fonts, and this approach works without JavaScript.)

Everything is held together by a small Makefile.

#A tiny sed script is used for assigning ids to <p>-tags.


We use the IBM Plex Sans fonts in normal, italic and bold variants, IBM Plex Code for monospace, and the STIX fonts for math.